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☆ 10. Chapter 10font record

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Chapter 10

Yu Xue stared blankly at the two-meter widened land.

"So, can this area continue to expand in the future?"


"When the time comes, this space can also follow the house?"

"Of course!"

Yu Xue's eyes lit up: "Then this is great! I want to buy it Lots and lots of supplies are piling up here. Before, I was worried that the house was too small and there wouldn’t be enough supplies.”

“No, I want to grow fruits and vegetables here so that I don’t have to worry about running out of food... By the way, here we can Do you get the sun?"

"As long as there is sun in the sky, it's fine. You can think of this place as a flat land completely exposed to the sky. Of course, you can also shield it from the sun, wind and rain," Duoduo said.

"Great, then I'm going to install a row of solar power panels here so that we can have a steady stream of solar energy!"

Yu Xue was so happy.

This means that in the future, her house will not only be a house, but also a comprehensive small villa with its own back garden, vegetable garden, and warehouse.

Yes, it is a small villa, and we can also build a small building in the future.

Lie down and look at the clouds during the day, and lie down and look at the stars at night.

It’s beautiful to think about!

She returned to the house excitedly and danced with Laifu's two front paws, which she didn't know why.

"Laifu, from now on you can also walk around and act wild every day, aren't you happy?"

Laifu didn't know what happened, but he could feel the joy of the shit shovel, barked, waggled his tail, and barked very cooperatively. The two hind legs dance a pas de deux.

Not to mention, this Samoyed is almost as tall as Yu Xue when he stands up.

Duoduo: "..."

He looked at the dog silently.

The next moment, when Yu Xue hugged the dog's head and kissed it wildly, she found that the dog stopped barking. She raised her head and met the beautiful black eyes like black grapes, gentle and calm.

She was stunned for a moment: "Duoduo?"

Duoduo hummed.

Yu Xue hugged the big dog and buried it in its soft fur: "Duoduo, thank you so much. I like this gift very much! Can I grow vegetables on it?" "

Of course."

Yu Xue I happily kissed it again, then sat down cross-legged, holding my mobile phone, typing under the light of the flashlight, and began to think about what to prepare for growing vegetables.

The first is the seed and the second is the soil.

"Duoduo, can you plant it directly in the soil there?"


Okay, you can save the soil.

"Does that soil also need to be fertilized?"

"No, it has the ability to self-purify and repair itself, and will remain in the best condition." "

Wow, this is really great!"

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