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☆ 18. Chapter 17(1)font record

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Chapter 17 (1)

Yu Xue doesn’t know if the flu is directly related to the apocalypse. Anyway, before the apocalypse came in the previous life, there was an influenza outbreak.

At that time, Yu Xue was busy cleaning up the newly renovated house. She found that there was a problem here and a pit there. She was angry and anxious and had no intention of caring about outside things.

I just remember that when she went to take the final exam, many people in the class were coughing and sniffing.

Only then did we know that there was influenza, and it seemed to be a global pandemic. Although the symptoms were not severe, the scale was so large that it made people panic.

Then in a blink of an eye, the end came.

Some say the flu is a harbinger of the end of the world.

Some people also say that during the week of the flu, many powerful people received some kind of early warning, hoarded supplies, and rushed to the capital and other big cities. Many people even lived in underground castles and air-raid shelters. kind of place.

At that time, Yu Xue only thought that people were overwhelmed by the pressure of life and were extremely hostile to those who had relatively large living capital, so they irresponsibly poured dirty water on them.

But now she doesn't think so.

First, mutated plants had already appeared, and then there were people like Xu Feng who were obviously behaving strangely and might be related to the mutated plants. She began to believe that there might really be some people who knew that the end of the world was coming, and used this information gap to do certain things. .

Of course, because of her rebirth, Yu Xue is now taking advantage of this person with poor information.

After she left the gas station, she drove to the wholesale market and bought 10 barrels of 20-liter purified water. Now that she had a car, she put the supplies in the trunk, saving trouble and keeping them confidential.

There were also many people with coughs in the wholesale market. Yu Xue was a little worried that the situation would get worse in the future, so she planned to buy fruits and vegetables first.

She went to the fruit wholesale area and bought two boxes of apples, two boxes of oranges, two boxes of tangerines, a box of lemons, a box of grapefruits, a box of crisp persimmons, a box of green mangos, twenty or thirty cantaloupes, and a large bag of Red grapefruit, a sack of melon, a sack of pineapple, two bundles of sugar cane.

These are relatively easy-to-store fruits.

If it is not easy to store, it is better to buy it a few days later.

These things filled the trunk and the back seat of the car. Yu Xue went back to unload the goods and then went out to buy groceries.

Two big bags of potatoes, two big bags of sweet potatoes, one bag of purple sweet potatoes, one bag of radishes, one bag of taro, one bag of pumpkins, one bag of chestnuts, two big bundles of yams, and a big bag of sweet waxy corn that hasn't been shelled yet.

After buying these, there was still some space in the car, so she went to the dry goods store and bought dried mushrooms, such as fungus and shiitake mushrooms, which can be soaked in a pound; meat, such as cured fish, bacon, dried fish, and dried shrimp; Dried soy products, such as high-protein foods such as yuba and tofu skin.

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