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☆ 65. Chapter 61font record

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Chapter 61

Yu Xue ran home happily and told Duoduo the good news: "The Qin family were all arrested! When the police came to the door, they had no resistance at all, and they were taken back to the police station together. The police also suspected that they were infected. The zombie virus was deliberately smuggled into the base to do bad things."

She had gloating written all over her face.

Duoduo returned to the appearance of the green child, and had no special reaction when he heard this.

Yu Xue was a little strange: "Duoduo, aren't you surprised?"

Duoduo said: "They tried to deal with me but failed, and I killed them. Now they are riddled with bad luck, and everything they do will not go well."

He said calmly: "They can't survive. How long has it been?"

Yu Xue was a little surprised, but felt it was reasonable: "By the way, that Chen Jun's eyes have become red. It is said that everything he sees is red. Is this what you did?"

Duo Duo thought for a while, It's the peeping mouse in the villa. He said: "Those Qin family members are not very good people, but their abilities are pretty good. They can fight with me a few times. We fight, and he, an ordinary person, is hiding aside and peeking. , it’s no wonder that his eyes were burned.”

“So that’s the case, can his eyes recover?”

“If an expert treats him, maybe he can recover.”

“What is an expert? Healing power Does it count?" Yu Xue was like a curious baby.

Duoduo looked at her and asked: "Have you thought of my name?"

Yu Xue: "...not yet."

She lay on the table and said frustratedly, "It's so difficult to name a small animal. It's hard enough to give a name. You are still such a big living person. It feels like a new name is attached to you like a new label. It always feels like none of the words match well."

She looked at him: "I saw With your appearance, all I can think of is the word Duoduo."

Duoduo smiled, her body suddenly grew larger, and the green color faded, and a handsome man with fair skin, elegant eyes, and starry eyebrows suddenly appeared in front of him, leaning against the coffee table. , exposed a section of his slender arms, and said with a smile: "Then look at me like this and think of a name."

The impact of the beauty suddenly displayed in front of her eyes was a bit too strong. Yu Xue was stunned, and was almost stunned by those beautiful smiles. Dazzled, she couldn't help but sit up straight and murmured: "I can't think of a name when I look at it like this."

She looked at the sky outside and saw that the rain was still falling, so she stood up: "It seems like it's going to rain for several days." God, we can’t waste this rainwater, I’m going to dig a fish pond.”

He ran out.

The handsome man raised his eyebrows slightly and touched his face. Sure enough, he took advantage of having a good-looking face. People who used to have no scruples about pinching and hugging him like this are actually now shy.

He slowly put away his smile and looked at his hand. He saw that the color of his hand suddenly faded, turning into green and transparent, and then turned into pitch black.

The fire of karma is burning crazily in it.

"How dare you bite the Lord? How could you bite the Lord? Are you crazy?"

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