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☆ 71. Chapter 67font record

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Chapter 67

Yu Xue stood dejectedly: "I... that... ugh, hey! I didn't post this on purpose. You just ignored me those days. I went online to seek help and brainstorm ideas."

Duoduo looked at her coldly: "So you call me old man?"

Yu Xue rolled her eyes to the left, then glanced to the right, and said hesitantly: "It's just a pronoun. If I say you are For children, the advice given by netizens may not be appropriate."

She glanced at him secretly: "Otherwise, next time I post, I will say that there is a young and handsome young man with good looks and talents who is loved by everyone, and he is unhappy. , how to coax him?"

Duoduo: "..."

Duoduo snorted.

Yu Xue guessed that she was no longer angry. She walked forward with a smile and squeezed his shoulders: "I was wrong, I was wrong, okay? You ignored me at that time, and I didn't know what the problem was. No matter what, I had to seek medical treatment urgently. But then again, why were you so cold to me all of a sudden?"

Duoduo didn't say anything for a while.

Yu Xue thought he wouldn't answer, and was about to change the subject, but suddenly she heard him say: "Do you have any plans to start a family of your own?"

His tone was slow, and Yu Xue was stunned for a moment before she understood what he meant. mean.

She frowned: "Are you talking about...finding someone to marry and start a family?"


Yu Xue raised an eyebrow: "It's not like I'm mentally ill. I have whatever I want now. A lot of people call me boss, and they can be considered successful in their careers. Then I find a man to intervene in my life. Isn't that just looking for trouble?"

Yu Xue thought that there would be an outsider around her every day, and her face She wrinkled up, and she wondered whether she would have children after getting married. Thinking of the series of troubles that would cause having children, she felt bad all over.

Besides, if she was not single and had someone else by her side, could she still be able to enter and leave the courtyard so freely? Can she still keep the secret of the courtyard?

No matter how you think about it, you are causing trouble for yourself.

She looked at Duoduo: "Why do you suddenly ask this?"

I heard that older people like to be matchmakers. Doesn't Duoduo also have this problem?

Her eyes were full of suspicion and wariness.

Duoduo saw her expression of resistance as if he wanted to kick her into a pit of fire. He was speechless for a moment and said, "That's what you said." "

Ah?...Yes, I said it."

Duoduo said, "You go first. Let's go to the shelter. I need to check something."

"...Oh, you'll come over soon."

Yu Xue could only carry the tomatoes by herself and go to the sheep farm to feed the sheep.

After she left, Duoduo looked at the bottom of the post and read the sentence "He is acting coquettishly to me now!" 】, slightly curled his lips, then closed the forum and called up the base map.

Find the corresponding location on the map according to the distance and range you sense.

These are the positions of the Qin family.

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