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☆ 7. Chapter 7【Revision】font record

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Chapter 7 [Repair]

The atmosphere between the two was a bit awkward. Of course, it was Lu Xiaolan who was embarrassed, and Yu Xue was very comfortable.

After a while, Lu Xiaolan said: "It's not very fun. I'm so annoyed. You don't know how much money I spend on treating guests these days. Axue, this is all your fault. You have to lend me the money, otherwise I will I won't be able to live anymore."

She said it confidently, half-coquettishly.

Yu Xue was in a daze.

She was thinking about how good her relationship with Lu Xiaolan was before, so that Lu Xiaolan could say such a thing shamelessly?

I really want to punch my old self twice.

She said: "Don't be ridiculous, I can hardly afford to eat. How can I lend you money? And if you don't want to treat, you can refuse. The money is in your own hands, how can others force you to treat?"

Lu Xiaolan clenched her hands. .

But when she was flattered before, her whole body was in a state of confusion. When she came to her senses, she had already promised her. It would be so ugly to regret it.

Thinking of the money that was eaten by Han Qingqing, her roommates, and some friends from the hometown association, she felt so sad that she was bleeding.

But she didn't say these words to borrow money.

She asked: "Did you really buy a house with a loan? Didn't you say the full payment before?"

Yu Xue sighed: "I didn't want you to live with me in the future so that you can live in peace of mind. Who knew that you would follow others everywhere? If they say that I bought the house with full payment, I still have to explain it clearly, lest everyone think that I am rich, and then someone will expose me and say that I paid a lot of money."

Lu Xiaolan's face changed, and she said with a smile: "You It's too exaggerated. I didn't say it everywhere." She

asked again and again, and when she was about to leave school, she asked: "When will your house be renovated? A relative of mine runs a decoration company. , I can give you a cheaper price then."

Yu Xue smiled.

It turns out that all the nonsense was just for this matter.

Make it cheaper for her?

This is what acquaintances say in introductions, but in the end it is the acquaintances who will kill you the most.

As for Lu Xiaolan's cousin, he was no longer killing Yu Xue. He just cheated her. He took more than 400,000 yuan from her decoration money and built her a house full of cheats.

And as long as she asked a few more questions, her face would be full of "You actually doubt me", "I have tried my best but you don't know the ropes", "If you weren't my cousin's classmate, I wouldn't be able to take your job." ".

Yu Xue sneered in her heart.

She wondered: "But I don't have money. I plan to paint the walls or something, and just live in it. It saves money and protects the environment. Anyway, living in rough houses is quite popular now."

Lu Xiaolan was anxious and said hurriedly: "How can this work? The rough house is so shabby. You can first let my cousin go to the house to have a look and estimate the price, and then the price can be discussed. If it doesn't work, you can also owe it first. My cousin is very Easy to talk to."

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