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☆ 43. Chapter 39font record

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Chapter 39:

The previous news said that the K City base dispatched two armies and two volunteer teams to rescue the survivors in H City and I City.

It sounds like a lot, but in fact, the number of people in each of these four teams is not very large.

After all, K City also needs a large number of people to garrison the base to prevent foreign invasion and civil strife.

Moreover, this time we not only have to take people from H City and I City to K City, but also rescue people from other cities, so the manpower allocated to H City will naturally not be particularly sufficient.

They also arrived at this military base today. They fired a few cannons at the top of the mountain and killed the mountain king who was entrenched here. They just set up camp and before they could bury the pot for cooking, they saw a convoy of survivors arriving. .

Of course, Yu Xue didn't know about this at this time. Anyway, their convoy was welcomed to the base on the mountain.

This base was very large, and it was leveled violently with artillery fire. It was easy to accommodate more than two hundred vehicles.

However, the previous military camps were demolished by artillery fire. Even if they were not demolished, they would not be able to accommodate people. So at this time, people had to set up their own tents, otherwise it would still be quite cold at night on the mountain.

After Yu Xue got off the car, she put a hook on her car door and planned to set up a canopy here, and then she would make a tent to sleep under the canopy at night. As soon as she was doing it, someone came over and called her over for a meeting.

The one who came to call her was Xiao Zhao. He smiled and said that he could help Yu Xue deal with this marquee.

"I was trained before setting off, and I have simulated most of the situations I may encounter on the road. Not to mention setting up a canopy tent, I can even dig holes in the ground to build a house,"

Xiao Zhao said . , quite proud, he can be considered a specially trained logistics staff, he can do a little bit of everything.

Yu Xue had a good impression of him and felt relieved about him, so she took Laifu to the meeting.

This meeting was a little different from the meeting on the road. Most of the people participating in the convoy were reduced, only five or six people came. The people on the other side were soldiers dressed in dark green, and members of the volunteer rescue team in yellow clothes.

Gu Qing was also there, so Yu Xue sat with her, one with a dog and the other with a small pig. It was appropriate to sit together. No one disliked the other for bringing a pet, and the two animals could still communicate. comminicate.

Although the little fragrant pig is small, it is very courageous. It is not afraid of the big guy like Laifu, and even sniffs it with its pig nose. Laifu stares at its round body and sniffs it from time to time. saliva.

Needless to say, this is because he is greedy for meat. He has this reaction when he stares at the chickens, ducks and pigs in the house.

A member of the volunteer rescue team frowned when he saw that they all had pets, but he didn't say anything.

The main purpose of this meeting is for the other party to understand the situation of the convoy, know the situation of other convoys behind it, and arrange when and how to go to K city, and which roads are safe.

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