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☆ 58. Chapter 54font record

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Chapter 54

After listening to Duoduo say that the growth rate of all crops on his guardian land will be accelerated and the probability of crop mutation will not be increased, Yu Xue just wanted to kiss him, hug him and lift him high.

"That is to say, our plantation can also have a harvest very quickly. Duoduo, you are so awesome!"

She did not hesitate to praise her, Duoduo said: "It won't be much faster, that is, it will be faster. Twice."

"That's awesome!"

Yu Xue thought before that it would take four or five months of planting to turn the sweet potatoes and corn in the plantation into food on the table, and in these four or five months Here, she had to feed a lot of people, and the pressure was really great. Now it's better, and the time for harvesting food has been shortened by half.

Thinking of something, she asked: "What about the sheep? Will the sheep in the sheepfold also grow very fast?"

"People and animals will be much less affected, and the growth rate of the sheep will not change significantly." Duoduo answer.

That's a shame.

Thought it was a pity, Yu Xue was still very excited.

Since the crops in the small yard grew so fast, they absorbed a lot of water in the land and the soil became very dry. Yu Xue secretly pulled the water pipe from her workhouse into the small yard and started watering the ground.

At this time, on the left side of her workhouse, people from the garment workshop who had just moved in were packing up their things and decorating their new home. On the right side of her workhouse, Liu Baoan and their families lived. Ding-ding-dong-dong is decorating the new home.

The security guard’s family members also just arrived in the evening. Each security guard’s family members are not many, usually two or three. The largest number of security guards has seven family members. That’s really a big family. They live in a dormitory of more than ten square meters. It was quite crowded, so we had to move two more bunk beds from other dormitories.

Yu Xue doesn't plan to open an extra dormitory for them. If other employees can get an extra dormitory if they see a lot of family members, they can imitate his example and bring many family members over. How can that be said?

She is working, not running a charity.

Because there were people living on both sides, she was particularly careful when connecting the water pipe. The water pipe came out from the back door and was directly connected to the small courtyard, a space invisible to others.

In her small yard, she connected a professional garden shower spray gun and sprayed the crops in the ground, pots and shelves.

Spraying and spraying, and letting Duoduo hold the spray, she ran to the sweet potato field and started turning over the vines.

Sweet potatoes grow too fast and have lush vines and leaves. If they are not turned over in time, aerial roots will grow into the ground and produce small sweet potatoes, which is a waste of nutrients.

Then Yu Xue discovered that the rice seedlings were growing much faster than she expected, and it would be impossible to transplant them.

"Duoduo, let's transplant the rice tonight."

Duoduo said, "Okay."

As he spoke, a new open space appeared out of thin air, and the small courtyard expanded by another piece.

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