Ch 1 - Suicide

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There have been many people that have felt as if they were born to be more. Many of those people are having a mid life crisis. Some of those people feel less than. Others feel trapped in the shell of their mortal flesh. Restricted by the physics and laws of your own world. Destined for something greater but held down by something.

But then even fewer have the strong enough drive and determination to actually change the status quo. To become more. All but a few.

One of the few being, Haru Garaki. An average teenage only in age. Haru is what he likes to call himself... a weeb. After his parents left him in the classic anime abandonment style. Haru found him self at an epiphany. He wasn't meant for mediocrity. He wasn't meant to be someone that just stood by and suffered in a bad situation. He wasn't one that would let life nor a higher power limit him from what he wanted.

And the one thing that pushed him to go even further beyond his regular drive for greatness, was an anime he watched. The Eminence in Shadow.

You see before Haru went further after watching The Eminence in Shadow. Haru pushed himself everyday and every second of it. He did One punch Mans workout of 100 sit ups, 100 push ups, 100 squats and a 10km run. Sleeping in the blistering cold and sweltering heat. Every single day.

Haru didn't have a gravity chamber like Vegeta so he brought every body weight attachment to feel an increase in resistance. As if gravity itself had increased.

He tried cultivating... to no avail.
Shouting out different variations of "Status"... to no avail.
He would hold out his hand and focus just to see if he had the force... he did not.

But having no powers didn't stop Haru. Training in boxing like Ippo, picking up various martial art techniques like Baki. When 100 push ups, sit ups and squats became too easy he started Astas training... 1000 of everything!

But Haru wasn't satisfied. He was stronger than everyone he walked around. His classmates, adults and strangers on the streets. Many in the gym, in martial classes or boxing classes. But it still wasn't enough.

Another target was set. He would also become the smartest. Like the greats. Senku, Light and Lelouch. He studied harder than anyone in school. Anyone in the state. Studying subjects he didn't even need to study for his grades. He became number one in class. Soloing all Academic Decathlon Teams in knowledge and understanding. Making even the smartest kids in class look less than average.

But that wasn't enough. He was strong, good looking and intelligent. But that wasn't enough. He couldn't be a great like any anime character unless he had achievements. So he participated in martial competitions, food eating challenges, street fight bets, school races and any event they held physical or academically. He had medals and trophies in his house left to him by his long gone parents. Volunteering awards and job references.
But it wasn't enough.

He was lacking something. The women and the popularity. So he read books, studied online, experimented on his social view. And he did it. Not only did he get one girlfriend. He had multiple. His first girlfriend, her sister who were surprisingly happy about the arrangement. Their mother after a bit of convincing, late night dates and a whole lot of love. He made friends and connections. With his achievements, academics, physique and looks it was easy.

But there was this itching feeling it wasn't enough. The strength, the intelligence, the achievements, the women and popularity. Though he loved his girlfriends very much there was a goal that no one would stop him from achieving.

But when he saw the Eminence in Shadow he realised. All his achievements... they were mortal. Restricted by the world around him. Cid was great in his old world, lacking in some areas but there was one thing Haru admired Cid for. His commitment, his drive. Something Haru was lacking in up until now. He had put it off. He had avoided death.

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