Ch 23 - Warm Welcome

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With Harus entire island appearing in the location of the magic circle Grayfia showed. Harus home was now in the Underworld. Grayfia was holding Haru as Haru was holding Grayfia. Both being gentle with their sensual touch. The hug was relaxing and peaceful. It always was when they were in each others arms.

Grayfia: How does it feel being out after so many years?

Haru: I would have stayed forever if you were there with me. Even if I only got to see you once a week.

Grayfia blushed as Haru enjoyed being close to her. Listening to her gentle breath. Her warm body. It would bring him peace of mind just to know she was real when he was in the Dimensionsal Gap.

Grayfia: You know you won't be able to do this as often. Mess with me. Tease me like you do.

Haru: What do you mean?

Grayfia: When you become a high class noble you'll receive a noble title.

Haru: Wait... noble... does that mean...

Grayfia: Politics. And with this World Tree. Probably a lot. Many are probably on their way here right now.

Grayfia parted the hug to look at Harus confused face as she giggled slightly.

Haru: Ah what?

Grayfia: But don't worry. I'll be by your side helping you.

Haru: As my Q...

Grayfia: Maid.

Haru blinked a couple of times as she looked at Grayfias smile. As long as she was happy he didn't mind. His thoughts wondering to maid role play and fun. But then Haru could sense it. Really powerful people coming at high speeds. Heading straight for his World Tree.

Grayfia: So be serious ok. And no flirting. Only in private from now on.

Grayfia gave a small kiss on Harus lips. He had just got here and a lot was changing. Changing very, very fast. He had to quickly adapter to his new life as he looked at his Kimono. Thinking maybe he should change. Grayfia was waking towards Harus front door.

Grayfia: Are you not coming?

Grayfia looked back at Haru. Haru looked at Grayfia as he smiled.

Haru: Coming my queen~.

Haru teased as Grayfia sighed.

Grayfia: What did I say about being serious?

Haru: Sorry.

Haru gave a quick smile. It seemed Grayfia was going to be taking her role as a maid seriously. So Haru would to. But what role was he going to play. Friend to all, god, tyrant. There were so many to choose from as Grayfia walked behind Haru. Holding her hands in front of her, looking elegant and professional. Both walking along their path towards the World Tree. Towards the many great powers decending towards his tree.

As Haru walked towards his training ground he saw many people, only one other familiar face. The only other person he had met so far. Sirzechs.

Sirzechs: Why did you bring this place here?!

Sirzechs looked completely shocked. She didn't properly see the World Tree while she was there but she felt its power. But now she could see it, she saw how massive it was.

Grayfia: My lord owns the land. As well as the permission to develop of this land as he sees fit. There are no legal problems here.

Haru: {Wait Grayfia I have that?!}

Grayfia heard Harus voice in her head surprised for a second but regaining her composure. Understand how this would work.

Grayfia: {I wanted to make sure you could bring your home with you. You put a lot of effort into it and I knew there would be a lot of lingering attachment if you left it. So I prepared this.} If you need the documents to prove it.

Pieces of paper appeared in front of Sirzechs as she read over them. He did own this land. Somehow it was in Harus name. He also owned a large chunk of land around this and the development rights to it.

Sirzechs: {She prepared this much for him. She... she really does love him. Grayfia.} Fine. There is no legal dispute over your ownership of this land. Nor your rights to own something such as this tree on it.

???: But who are you?

A black haired twin ponytailed woman asked. Wearing a skirt and having bows in her ponytails.

Haru: And who are you? Are you not on my land?

???: I asked first.

Haru: Suit yourself. I am Haru Gakia.

???: Am I supposed to know you?

Haru: That's not a smart question. Didn't you just ask who I was, not knowing in the first place.

The woman looked and realised... he was right. She was about to say something when a man with green slicked back hair stepped forward.

???: The better question is, how did you get your hands on something like this?

Haru: {Technically I created it but I can't tell them that sooooo.} And what business do unnamed people have, asking me such a question? Especially on land that isn't there's.

???: You low born! You're in the presence of nearly a third of the 72 pillars.

A random man stepped forward. His magical power a lot less than the rest around him.

Haru: What's that?

Haru felt his white Kimono getting tugged. Looking at Grayfia as she had a stern look.

Haru: {Yes my queen.}

Grayfia: {Try not to anger them. They do have the power to prevent you high class promotion. Also the 72 Pillars are the noble families of the underworld. Though instead of 72 only 30 remaining after the Great War and Devil Civil War.}

Haru: {Oh... Ohhhhh. This could be a good idea.}

Grayfia: {Wha...}

Haru could no longer hear Grayfias thoughts as he looked at the men and women standing on his training ground. Ready to reveal to them who he really was.

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