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"I want answers Rhys. Now." Cassian demanded as they flew back to Velaris.

Azriel still had to progress what happened. There was another shadowsinger. She had been Under the Mountain. And what had she been to Rhys? Why couldn't Azriel get her out of his head?

"I never stopped looking her from the day she left." Rhys started. "She left immediately after I winnowed us back home."

"So why not tell us about her? She clearly means something to you. We could've helped you find her." Cassian said, trying to sound comforting.

"I knew she didn't want to be found, so involving you guys wouldn't be right."

"Why would you keep another shadowsinger from me." Azriel said coldly. It bothered him more than it should have.

"Because of many reasons." Rhys said to Azriel.

They soon arrived back in Velaris, landing at the front yard of the River House. The three of them quickly walked inside.

Feyre met them at the entrance. "What's wrong?" she asked.

"Oh nothing special. We just met Rhysies old girlfriend or whatever she is." Cassian half mumbled as he walked past the High Lady.

"Girlfriend?" Rhys said. "No it's nothing like that.  It never was. She is like a sister to me."

"You couldn't even tell us that clearly." Cassian threw his hands up in frustration as he disappeared into the house.

"Okay, what's going on Rhys?" Feyre said, placing her hands on the arms of her mate. She looked at Azriel when Rhys sighed.

"We found her." he started. Apparently Feyre knew about the female. "Come on, I'll tell you." he said to his mate, leading her into one of the rooms.

Azriel walked to the living room, finding Cassian and Mor there. Mor greeted him with a smile he then returned.

He let himself fall into the chair next to Cassian. Cassian immediately turned to him. "Can you believe he kept this a secret for us? For over 300 years?"

Mor rolled her eyes. "Rhys is allowed to have other friends beside you two." Azriel couldn't hold back a snort at that.

"No it's not that. It's the fact that she was... there with him. And she's a shadowsinger!" Cassian babbled to Mor. "It bothers me. And it clearly bothers Az." he pointed at his brother, earning a pointed glare from Azriel.

"She's a what?" Mor said.

"I already told you this three times, Mor." Cassian said with frustration. "She's a shadowsinger, like Azriel."

"It's not my fault that you're not a born storyteller." she claimed, making Cassian sigh.

They continued arguing as Rhys and Feyre entered the room. Feyre looked at her friends with concern as they threw all sorts of insults at each other.

Rhys reached out to Azriel mentally, asking him to come with him. He followed the High Lord as Feyre sat down and started laughing at Cassian and Mor.

They soon entered Rhys's study. "I'm sorry for not telling you." he sat down behind his desk. Azriel decided to not sit down. "I would like to explain everything, since you deserve some answers."

Azriel only looked at the High Lord with curiosity.

"I'm worried about her." he started. "You might not have noticed it, but she looked bad. Not as bad as she looked when we came back, but close enough."

"She clearly wants to be left alone." Azriel said.

"Yes, I know. But somethings bothering her. She was clearly scared." Rhys looked at Azriel and stayed quiet for a few seconds.

Azriel thought for a moment. "When did she get her shadows?" he decided to ask.

Rhys hesitated before speaking. "She told me they were always with her in some way, but they first showed themselves after her entire family got murdered."

Azriel didn't know what to say to that. He thought that would be it, but Rhys continued, "She never told me the details, only that she was young back then and that it happened in front of her eyes."

"She might try to kill me for telling you this." the High Lord said. "She is scared, and if Valery is scared it is something serious."

Azriel stayed silent, waiting for his brother to continue.

"She's from Hewn City. Her entire family was. They were murdered after escaping the place, since they had a lot of enemies." he said. "They told everyone she was dead. But in reality, she had escaped and fled to Velaris. Her father had trained her to fight her entire life, that's why she was such a good fighter and she managed to survive on her own."

"How good is she with her shadows?" Azriel dared to ask.

Rhys thought for a moment. "I believe you two to be as equally powerful." he said. "But I do believe that she is smarter than you."

Azriel didn't show the surprise on his face.

"And she's a good fighter?"

Rhys nodded. "Not as good as us, but again she's smart and quick. She uses that to escape out of every situation. Also one of the reasons you have never been able to find out about her."

"Who trained her to spy?" Azriel asked.

"I did. I took some notes from you." he said. "I taught her some things, but she mostly taught herself."

This conversation led to Azriel becoming more curious about the woman.

His shadows started whispering her name again. It became so annoying that even Rhys could notice it.

"What are they saying?" he asked.

"They are saying her name."

Rhys's eyes widened slightly. "Is she in any trouble?"

Azriel shook his head. "No it's not like that. It's just that... I don't know. They just say her name."

He really didn't know what that could mean.

Rhys looked at him for a few seconds, deep in his thoughts. He then dismissed Azriel. "If you have any questions, feel free to ask them."

Azriel only inclined his head to the High Lord before disappearing through the door.

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