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She had been unconscious for a week. A fucking week.

Azriel hadn't left her side since returning to the River House. He had tried to clean her body from the cuts with Madja's help. The healer had tried to heal as many wounds as possible.

Rhys accompanied him most of the times. But he had his High Lord duties. He couldn't just disappear for a week.

Azriel didn't care if he had to abandon his duties. All he cared about was that he would be at her side when she woke up. If she woke up.

There had been no changes in her breathing or heartbeat over the last days. The main signs of life were her shadows lingering close to her. The mating bond also felt more alive.

Azriel held her cold hand in his own, occasionally pressing soft kisses against it. He talked to her, telling her little stories about his life with Rhys and Cass, and about how he saw a future with her. How he couldn't wait to live together without any family around. How he couldn't wait to accept the mating bond. How he couldn't wait to love her for eternity.

She never reacted to his words. Not a blink or a squeeze or changing of her heartbeat. Nothing.

Azriel prayed to the Mother that she would wake up soon. But until then, he would just have to be patient and stay by her side.

Rhys walked into the room, a plate of food in his hands. He placed it next to Azriel. "You should eat." he told his brother.

Azriel didn't take his eyes off Valery. "Yeah, thanks." he said.

Rhys sighed. "She would be furious to know you're taking such bad care of yourself."

Azriel snapped his eyes to Rhys's for a few seconds before setting his eyes on the plate of food. He grabbed it and started eating.

Rhys pulled out another chair, sitting down next to him. Azriel had to admit that finally eating something felt good. And Rhys was right, she would scold at him for not taking care of himself.

"You should take a bath. I'll stay with her." Rhys said.

Azriel nodded. "Okay, I will." he told his brother. He finished his plate within a few seconds. He leaned over to Valery, placing a kiss against her head. "I'll be back before you know it." he whispered.

He passed Rhys and made his way to the connecting bathing chamber. Azriel made quick work of bathing, only giving himself enough time to get all the dirt of his body before pulling his clothes back on.

Az, get over here. Rhys said into his mind.

Azriel had just finished putting on his pants. He immediately made his way back to the room, his eyes on the bed and Valery.

Her eyes were still closed, but Rhys was leaning closer.

"What happened?" Azriel asked with worry.

"Her shadows and breathing just shifted." he told Azriel. It was the biggest change in days.

Valery's face scrunched, her eyes slowly fluttering open. She shot up with a yelp, backing up against the headboard. Her shadows were at her side within a second, caressing her body. Her eyes were wide with shock as she looked around the room.

Azriel immediately moved forward. "You're okay." he told her. Her eyes snapped to his.

"Az?" she questioned, sounding unsure of her words. Her eyes moved to his brother behind him. "Rhys?" she looked so confused. "What happened where-" she looked around the room.

"You're back at the River House." Azriel told her softly.

She stared into his eyes, not fully believing his words. He then felt a tug in his chest. A tug on the bond. Azriel returned the tug.

It was only then that she visibly relaxed. "I'm so sorry Az." she told him. Tears welled in her eyes.

Azriel moved forward, sitting on the bed and grabbing her hand. "It's okay. There is no need to apologize." Valery squeezed his hand tightly as tears rolled down her face.

Rhys swiftly left the room. Azriel only noticed because he saw the door open and close.

"I promise to never go behind your back again. It was so stupid. I am so sorry." she sobbed.

Azriel moved his hand to her cheek. "You're alive. That's all that matters."

Valery looked into his eyes, nodding. She still looked so exhausted. "They're dead, right? I don't have to worry anymore." she said, waiting for his confirmation.

"They are very dead. You can live in peace now." he told her, moving his finger up and down her cheek.

Valery let out a wet laugh, tears continuing to roll down her face. "I can live in peace."

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