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Valery's head pounded as she tried to open her eyes.

Once fully opening them, she was met by darkness. The only bit of light was coming from a torch hanging on the wall. Her shadows were no where to be found.

Valery wasn't someone who panicked easily, but something in her gut told her this wasn't good.

It was only seconds later when she felt the weight around her wrists. The handcuffs almost pierced through her skin. A chain connected the handcuffs with the wall, keeping her from escaping.

The entire room reeked of Faebane. Valery scrunched her nose at the smell.

The chains made a terrible loud sound as she tried to stand. The sound echoing off the walls.

Seconds later a door opened and closed at the end of the hallway. The ugly creature from before appeared in front of her.

"You're finally awake." it said.

Valery only looked the creature in its eyes, giving it a cold look.

"Took you two days to wake up, sweetheart." it spat out. "You missed all the fun!"

She still didn't say anything. Had it really been 2 days?

"My Queen would love to meet you." it said as it opened the door. "Let's go."

The creature yanked on the chains, causing a sharp pain to go through her arms. She only hissed, refusing to give the creature the satisfaction of hurting her.

They walked through some hallways before finally reaching large doors. When they opened, it revealed an enormous room.

Valery held her breath for a few seconds as hundreds of eyes watched her.

It was just like she expected. Like what she had tried to tell Rhys.


Her mind wandered to her High Lord. He had to be here. Her eyes scanned the room, looking for him. Only when she reached the middle of the room and was thrown on her knees did she find him. Standing right in front of her, next to the biggest bitch the world has ever known.

The other High Lords were also standing close to her.

Valery met Rhysand's eyes. She stilled for a moment. Rhysand's eyes only widened, knowing what was about to come.

He quickly tore his eyes away from her. Valery did the same. She hoped that the so called queen hadn't noticed the exchanged looks between them.

"What do we have here?" the red headed bitch said.

Valery looked her dead in the eye, meeting her stare. She refused to break it.

"We found her in the corridors, my Lady. We don't know who she is." the creature creaked from behind her.

Good. They didn't know who she was. Or at least pretented not to.

"And what would your name be?" she asked.

Valery glared at her, refusing to answer her question.

The creature kicked into her side after a few seconds, causing Valery to double over and wince.

She could see Rhys flinch slightly, but he kept his eyes away from her.

"Now let me ask you again. Who are you?" she asked with a cold tone.

Valery hesitated, but she knew her chances of leaving this room were few to none if she didn't answer the question.

"Valery." she only said.

Amarantha smiled, as if she was proud to succeed at breaking her so easily. "And what brings you here, Valery?"

Valery hesitated before speaking. "The place looked inviting, so I just wanted to check it out." she said with a grin on her face.

She could almost hear Rhys mentally slapping her.

Amarantha's lips curled upwards. "I like your attitude. But you might want to be careful with your words."

"No I'm serious. I mean look at this place." she said while looking around. "So... lovely."

So much like her old home.

Her sarcasm wasn't appreciated as the creature kicked her again. Amarantha was now standing in front of her, holding her chin and forcing her head up.

"Where are you from?"

Valery tried to hide her flicker of fear, but it wasn't easy with someone looking like her lurking in her face.

"Night Court." she said with a voice that sounded way too small for her liking.

Amarantha on the other hand, looked very satisfied with her answer. She turned around to look at Rhys, calling him over.

Within seconds her friend stood right in front of her. His eyes were empty. The usual glister of kindness and warmth were gone.

"Do you know her?" Amarantha asked him.

He shook his head. "No."

"Are you sure?" she asked again. Within a split second, a dagger was held against her throat. Valery stopped breathing.

"So you wouldn't care if I slit her throat right now?"

She could see Rhys's nostrils flare as his eyes flickered to hers for a second.

Amarantha hummed with satisfaction.

Valery thought this would be it as the cold steel pierced through her skin.

Just as the first drop of blood leaked, Rhys spoke. "Stop." he hissed.

A satisfied grin appeared on Amarantha's face. "What was that?" she still held the dagger to her throat.

"I said stop." he said again.

"So you do know her?" Rhys didn't answer that question. Amarantha already knew the answer.

"Lying doesn't look good on you Rhysand." she stated. She finally removed the dagger and took a step back.

Valery let out a breath of relief.

"I will let you stay, Valery." she said. She spat her name out like it was some sort of decease. "But you must be punished for sneaking around."

Valery looked at the redhead. Then she looked at Rhys. Guilt glistered in his eyes.

"Let's say... some lashing. 50 times."

Valery's breath hitched. She had been whipped before, in some unfortunate situations, but not 50 times.

Amarantha grabbed a whip and pushed it into Rhys's hands. He looked at the bitch with slightly widened eyes. "Also a punishment for you. For lying to me."

Rhys turned back to Valery. They both knew that there was nothing they could do about it.

The creature tore off her shirt, leaving her bare in front of what looked like thousands of Fae.

I'm so sorry, Rhysand said into her mind.

She gritted her teeth. "Just do it." she said out loud.

Then it began, and she couldn't tell when it stopped.

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