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"Shit." Azriel hissed as he stepped out of the shadows on the front lawn of the River House. He tried holding Valery up with his arm.

She was still awake, looking around in panic, but he could see her eyes drooping. There were two Faebane arrows sticking out of her stomach, blood pouring out at an insane quick amount. The wound on her shoulder also kept bleeding.

How she had managed to winnow them out of there, he didn't know. If they had stayed in there for a second longer, if he hadn't jumped for her and thrown her out of the cave... he didn't want to think about it.

"Rhys!" Azriel yelled as he entered the River House. "Feyre!"

He dragged Valery into the house. "Hey, stay awake. I know it hurts, but stay awake." he said, tapping her cheek lightly. His wings weren't much better either, the arrows still in them.

Rhys appeared in front of them, panic in his eyes. Feyre followed closely behind him, taking in the scene in front of her.

"What the hell happened." Rhys said. He helped Azriel keep Valery standing, but her eyes were drooping more and more.

"I'll explain it later. Just help her first." he said, walking upstairs into his bedroom, putting her down on her side.

Valery groaned. "Watch out asshole." she hissed through gritted teeth. He wasn't sure if she said it to him or Rhys.

The blood was soaking through her sweater. Feyre had disappeared, getting Madja no doubt. Rhys pulled her sweater up a bit, revealing the two arrow tips at the front of her body. The Faebane was definitely slowing down her healing, but not as much as it was supposed to.

Rhys turned around to Azriel, looking at him with concern. "Your wings are bleeding. You're hurt." his brother said.

He forced Azriel to sit on a chair. He let his wings hang on the ground, something he wouldn't do very often. "Not as bad as her. Let Madja help her first."

Rhys nodded, turning back to Valery. Her eyes were now closed. "Val, are you awake." Rhys said with worry.

"Yes, I'm just resting my eyes. It hurts like hell and I'm tired." she mumbled.

Rhys let out a soft chuckle, concern still lacing his face. "You got us real worried there. But please keep your eyes open." he put a strand of her hair behind her ear. Azriel couldn't help the quick jealousy that flashed through him.

Rhys turned to Azriel, speaking into his mind, can you show me?

Azriel nodded and showed him everything that happened from when they entered the cave to winnowing away. He obviously skipped the part where they kissed.

Valery shifted slightly, letting out a groan, being on her side couldn't be to comfortable. "Good thing I've been tortured for 50 years straight with Fae bane. This is nothing compared to that." she said. "I think I'm starting to became immune to that stuff." she opened one eye and grinned ever so slightly at Rhys.

Rhys snorted while Azriel's eyes widened. He didn't know whether to laugh at her comment or to remain silent.

It was kind of true. Her shadows hadn't disappeared when the Faebane struck her. And her healing should've been slower than it already was. Maybe she really did become used to it over the years.

"I got your drawing." Rhys started. "I didn't even know you could draw." he said, quirking up an eyebrow.

"One of my many hidden talents." she said with half a smile before coughing and wincing in pain.

Madja walked into the room moments later, a worried looking Feyre behind her. They both noticed her closed eyes. "Is she still breathing?" Madja asked with worry.

Valery lifted a hand. "I'm alive. I'm not getting killed by a fucking arrow." she muttered, causing Rhys to laugh. She opened one eye, looking at the healer. "Hi Madja. Long time no see." she said.

Azriel couldn't believe that she would be joking in such a situation. He only shook his head in disbelief.

Madja walked over to her side, shaking her head and pulling her sweater up enough to get the arrows out. "Valery. Never thought I'd see you in this kind of situation again. Are these the only two?" the woman asked Valery.

She closed her eyes again. "There were three, but I pulled one out myself." she said. Blood was still leaking from the wounds, but not as fast as minutes before.

"I have to pull them out so I can heal the holes. But you'll have to sit so I can reach your back." Madja said.

Valery opened her eyes fully, nodding. Rhys helped her sit up, her back towards the three of them. Azriel noticed the look that Rhys gave Valery. They were talking through their minds.

Valery shook her head after a few seconds. Rhys stepped away from her side, letting Madja do her thing.

Rhys whispered something to Feyre. His mate nodded and left the room quietly, closing the door behind her. Azriel didn't understand what was going on until Madja lifted Valery's sweater, revealing her bare back and the arrows that pointed out.

The thing that caught his attention most, were the thick scars along her back. His breath hitched as he took in the rest of her back. It looked like scars were created on top of scars, white lines scattered all over her back.

He looked at Rhys. His eyes were fixed on her back too, guilt lining his face. Valery's head hung low, shoulders sagged.

Madja broke the arrows at the front, putting the Fae bane tips on the bed. "I'm going to pull them out now." Madja said softly, no doubt having noticed the scars on her back.

Valery merely nodded. Azriel could see her entire body tense as the arrow slipped out. She gripped the sheets beneath her, knuckles white.

Azriel couldn't see her face, but it was no doubt scrunched in pain. A few seconds later, both arrows were out. Blood started to leak again. Madja started working on them. It only took her a few more minutes to close them, leaving two new scars on her body.

The only difference was, these ones would heal and fade with time.

"All done." Madja said as she let her sweater fall back in place.

"Thank you." Valery said lowly.

Madja turned around, facing Azriel. She now blocked the view of Valery, but he saw Rhys walking over to her side.

"Why do you always have to get your wings hurt." Madja said with a disapproving shake of her head.

He tried to glance towards Rhys and Valery, but Madja stepped in front of him again. He threw a glare at her. "Let them be for a bit." she said.

Azriel gave in, accepting it while Madja asked him to come with her.

With one quick glance over his shoulder, he walked out of the room, leaving Rhys and Valery alone.

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