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Valery was walking through Velaris on her own for the first time since coming back to the city

She was wearing a thick coat, the absence of her shadows doing her no good with the cold weather. She didn't want to grab any attention from people around her, so she had ordered her shadows away. Walking around without them made her appear like a normal High Fae.

Hunting for Solstice gifts wasn't her strongest point. She hated to admit it, but she barely knew Rhys's family, making it terribly hard to find the right gifts for them.

It had been 2 days since dinner with everyone. She hadn't spoken to Rhys since, even though she was still staying at the River House. Her shadows helped her avoid him.

She had seen Azriel though. They hadn't spoken about what happened the other night. It wasn't awkward or anything. It was just.. different.

The streets of Velaris were full of people, everyone being busy with their Winter Solstice preparations. It was a lovely sight to see all the Fae gathered over a celebration.

Valery had finally healed enough that she could train again. Maybe she would be able to return to the House of Wind again, but she was scared to hurt Rhys's feelings by telling him that.

She needed to regain her strength. To become even better than before. And maybe she needed to talk to Rhys, since things had become tense between them.

There was also an important decision to be made; going back to the place she was born, or stay behind in Velaris. Either way, she would feel guilty afterwards.

Valery had been so occupied by her thoughts that she hadn't noticed someone walking up behind her. It only took her a split second to turn around, a dagger in her hand.

Feyre held up her hands. "It's just me." she said, a small smile on her face.

Valery sighed, putting the dagger back in its hidden sheath. "Sorry about that." she said.

Feyre let out a chuckle. "It's okay, I understand." the High Lady told her. "Are you heading back to the River House?"

Valery nodded.

"Do you mind if I walk back with you?" she asked.

"No, of course not." Valery replied.

The High Lady smiled. "Great." she said. "Do you have a dress for Winter Solstice?"

Valery paused for a moment. She hadn't thought about that. Feyre noticed her movement and laughed. "You don't, have you?"

Valery smiled. "No, I don't." she said, continuing walking. "But I will find something, I promise." She probably had a dress somewhere, or she would just visit a shop and pick out something simple. She would let her future self deal with that.

It didn't take long for them to reach the River House, her shadows immediately reappearing at her side.

Valery could hear the sound of swords clashing against each other on the left side in the garden of the River House. The sound immediately caught her and Feyre's attention, making them walk towards it.

Soon Rhys, Azriel and Cassian came into view. Cassian noticed the two of them first, waving them over to the place he was sitting on the grass, Nyx in his lap.

Rhysand and Azriel were beating the shit out of each other, laughing while doing so.

Feyre immediately moved to pick up Nyx, greeting her son lovingly. Valery's attention shifted back to the two fighting males as she heard a loud thud.

Azriel had Rhys pinned to the ground, his boot on Rhys's chest, both breathing heavily.

Rhys noticed Valery and Feyre's presence and smiled at them. Once Azriel followed his gaze, his focus stayed on Valery. Rhys made his move to jump up and tackle Azriel to the ground, catching his brother off guard. Rhys whispered something to him, causing Azriel to glare at his brother.

Rhys finally let go of Azriel, leaving him on the ground as he moved to greet Feyre.

Valery watched Azriel for a few seconds until his eyes met hers again. She kept his gaze until he finally let a small smile slip through, causing her to look away immediately before someone would catch them.

After avoiding Rhys for days there would be no running from him now. "Come to blow off some steam?" Rhysand asked with a grin. Was he seriously offering her to fight?

Valery crossed her arms over her body. "Maybe." she said. "But I think talking would do for now."

Rhys's grin disappeared, nodding to her. Want to do this alone?

Valery only nodded at the question in her mind, following Rhys inside the River House. She didn't need Feyre and Cassian to see her like this. Definitely not Azriel.

They settled in Rhysand's study. She sat down on a comfortable chair, her shadows lingering in the corners of the room and on her shoulders. They were actually quiet for once.

"Have you made a decision?" Rhys asked.

Valery kept her eyes on her friend. She had thought about it many times; going back to her childhood home--if you could even call it a home--or stay behind and hide like a coward.

"I want to come with you." she spoke softly.

Rhysand nodded. "Okay." he looked satisfied, but there was something else on his face.

"But." Valery started, catching Rhys's full attention again. "I don't want to be the center of attention. I will stay in the shadows at first. Don't introduce me. The people that need to know I'm there will know I'm there." she said. Rhysand opened his mouth to speak, but Valery cut him off. "I will be armed to the teeth, so don't you start about that. It's either that or I'll be staying here."

Rhysand watched her for a moment before a satisfied grin spread on his face. "Done." he said.

Valery sighed. "And I won't be there for the party, I will be there as your spy, and a spy only. I won't be playing nice. I will be there to find things out and question people."

She had thought about it last night, knowing that this would be the perfect opportunity to face her fears.

To be brave for once.

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