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Azriel turned around in his bed, reaching for the spot next to him, only to find it cold and empty.

His eyes shot open at the missing feeling of Valery's body. Of course she left.

He couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed and hurt, but he soon pushed the feeling away.

After letting his shadows make his bed, he slowly dressed in his leathers, putting Truth Teller in its sheath. He had to meet with some of his spies before meeting his family to leave for the Court of Nightmares.

He absolutely hated it, but it was necessary. What he hated even more, was that Valery was coming with them. He knew that she was more than capable of handling things herself, but he couldn't push the worrying feeling away.

Rhys had told him that she would stick to the shadows, that she didn't want to be introduced as part of their family.

She obviously had a terrible history with the place, so he could understand her decision.

He walked out of his room, walking over to the kitchen of the River House so he could eat before he needed to leave.

The smell of freshly baked goods filled his nose. He soon heard laughs coming out of the kitchen.

Valery and Feyre, A shadow told him.

He stepped into the room quietly, but Valery already had her eyes on him as he came into view.

Both Feyre and Valery were covered in flour, smiles on both their faces.

Valery smiled softly at Azriel. Feyre followed her gaze and noticed him standing there. "Azriel." the High Lady greeted him. "You want to try?" she held up a pastry.

"They're probably not very good." Valery cut in, earning a glare from Feyre. "What? We made them together. I'm a terrible baker" she claimed.

Azriel fought back a smile as he moved forward, taking a few pastries with him. "I'll let you know if I get sick." he said, smiling at Valery and giving Feyre a nod before making his way out of the room.

Valery looked after Azriel as he left the room. Maybe she had been watching him a few seconds too long, because when she returned her eyes to the female in front of her, she found her smirking.

"What?" Valery said, crossing her arms over her body.

"Nothing." she mumbled.

Valery scoffed. "Yeah right."

Feyre started laughing. "You two clearly have something going on. Everyone can see it except for Rhys, he thinks I'm crazy for even thinking it."

"It's nothing." Valery told her.

Feyre didn't look satisfied by her answer, but she let it go.

Valery just hoped that whatever they had going on wasn't too obvious. She didn't feel ready for that kind of commitment.

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