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Whatever happened earlier, he definitely hadn't expected it to happen.

They did have a slight problem with Cassian knowing. He prayed that his brother wouldn't tell Rhys.

Azriel had left Valery in his room hours ago, claiming she should actually sleep since she really was in much pain.

Everyone was gathering at the River House for their weekly family dinner, and with Winter Solstice being just a week away, they would be needing to discuss some stuff. He still needed to buy most of his family gifts, including Valery. So today he had gone on the hunt for the perfect gift. He had been thinking about some jewelry, but he wasn't sure if she would wear that. He could buy her a dagger, but she already had enough of those. It was even easier to buy something for Mor or Cassian.

In the weeks he had known Valery, he had found out enough about her to know her well enough to at least call her a friend.

Azriel found his family in the dining room as he entered. Everyone was there, even Amren, except for Valery. He knew she was still asleep since his shadows hadn't stopped updating him since he left the room hours ago.

Azriel sat down in one of the two empty seats, sitting next to Cassian and Feyre. Sitting next to Cassian would be absolute torture with what had happened hours ago.

Azriel prayed that his brother would keep his mouth shut. He didn't want Rhys to know. For now, since he and Valery hadn't really talked about what was going on between them. It definitely was more than friendship.

"Good day to you my brother." Cassian said with a clap on Azriel's back. Azriel ignored him and sat down. He was insufferable.

Rhys noticed his presence. "Where have you been all day? Don't tell me you've gone flying." he said, actually looking concerned.

Azriel shook his head. "Of course not." he answered. He wasn't going to tell them about the gift shopping, since Mor and Cassian would be annoying him over it for the next few hours. He definitely wasn't going to tell them what he had been busy doing for around 2 hours before he left.

Rhys cleared his throat. "When Valery gets here, we have some things to discuss. We have to go to the Hewn City. I will give her a choice to come along, but she will be sensitive about this." Rhys said.

Azriel absolutely hated going to the Court of Nightmares. He wasn't really sure if Valery would agree to go with them.

"If she can walk." Cassian mumbled under his breath, hard enough for Azriel to hear. Azriel kept his eyes straight forward, trying not to reply to his brother.

Feyre--who had apparently heard Cassian, looked at him in question. To his luck, Cassian brushed it off.

It wasn't much later when Valery walked into the room, his shadows having alerted him a few seconds before.

Azriel choked on his water as he took her in. Cassian clapped him on his back again, leaning in. "So how far has this relationship actually developed?" he whispered so only he could hear it.

She was wearing his sweater. In front of his entire family. Rhys didn't really seem to notice, too busy focusing on how she felt instead of what she was wearing.

She met Azriel's eyes for a few seconds, noticing his stare on her, before turning back to Rhys, nodding her head to him.

Valery walked to sit down next to Amren and Elain, but before actually sitting down she stopped. A small grin formed on her face. "Hello Amren." she said.

Amren only rolled her eyes, but there was a slight hint of amusement on her face. "Shut up and sit down." Valery snorted and sat down.

Cassian gawked at them. "You two know each other?"

Valery leaned over to grab a plate of food. Azriel noticed the slight pain crossing her face, but it was gone as soon as he noticed it.

"Yes. Rhys forced us to work together a couple of times." Valery said, her eyes on the food.

Cassian's eyes went to Amren. "You knew about her?" he said. He then looked at Rhys. "You told her and not us?"

Rhys laughed at the look on Cassian's face. "I needed them to work together. You would be surprised how well they did actually."

Amren huffed. "Don't start Rhysand."

Valery elbowed Amren, leaving all of the Inner Circle watching them. Amren didn't even so much as react to it. "You enjoyed working together, just admit it."

Amren rolled her eyes again and didn't say anything. Valery grinned before turning her attention back to her food.

How the hell had she worked with Amren? Azriel wondered if she had any more connections to people so close to him.

It actually hurt a bit, knowing that she was probably keeping so many secrets from him. But she didn't owe him an explanation.

They were just... friends.

Rhys cleared his throat, earning everyone's attention. His eyes were fixed on Valery. "We need to discuss some things about next week."

Valery slowly looked up, as if sensing what he was about to say.

"We need to visit the Hewn City." Rhys said, still not taking his eyes off of Valery.

She let her fork slip out of her hands, loudly clattering to the table. Valery mumbled a quiet sorry, sitting up straighter.

"We're all going." Rhys said. "It's your choice if you want to come along."

Valery looked straight into Rhys's eyes. "Is there a reason why you want me to come along?" she narrowed her eyes. "As bait or just to show me off and blow Keir's mind?"

Hurt flashed through Rhys's eyes. "No. But now that you're saying it like that, we might be able to use you as bait. They probably suspect you coming along." he said.

Valery visibly swallowed. "You know I have more enemies in there."

Mor was watching the two of them talk carefully, no doubt being curious to her relations in the Hewn City.

Rhys pursed his lips and nodded. "Think about it."

Valery gave the High Lord a short nod and continued eating, not bothering to start a conversation with anyone. Azriel certainly didn't miss the glare's towards Cassian.

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