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Valery had returned to her room a few minutes ago. She needed to dress for the evening. It was nothing spectacular, but she wanted to fit in with all the dresses and suits that Rhys's family were going to wear.

The dark blue dress just reached the ground, a long split on the right side all the way to her thigh. The dress had off the shoulder long sleeves. It was a bit on the tighter side, showing off her curves.

For the first time in a while she actually felt pretty. The dress she had worn to the Hewn City made her feel pretty too, but this was different. This was more in her comfort zone.

Valery kept her hair half up half down, her light brown hair slightly wavy as it fell down her back.

She looked at herself in the mirror one more time, smiling at herself, before making her way out of her room.

Valery closed the door behind her and froze as she found Azriel standing behind her. It looked like he had just left his room as well.

He was wearing a neath black suit, nothing special, but he looked absolutely beautiful in it.

Valery had been looking at him for a few seconds too long, snapping her attention back to his eyes.

He was looking at her like he was looking at the night sky.

Valery couldn't stop the words from spilling out her mouth. "You look handsome." she felt like it wasn't the most appropriate thing to say after last night, but it was the truth.

Her shadows danced in approval. Valery glared at them and ordered them away, earning a small smile from Azriel.

"You look stunning." he said back.

Valery felt heat creeping up her face. "Thank you." she muttered.

They looked at each other for a few more seconds before Valery broke the silence. "I-- I'll see you downstairs." she said before hurrying away from him. Disappointment had flashed through his eyes again.

Dinner had been one of the most joyful moments in her life.

There had been so much laughter and joy. Everyone told each other stories, sometimes mocking each other in them. But it was all fun.

This was what it felt like to have a happy family. And for the first time in a very long while, Valery felt like she belonged.

Rhys kept giving her reassuring glances throughout the dinner, knowing this was hard for her.

Valery had been seated between Cassian and Amren. She had even found herself laughing with the petite woman multiple times.

She had tried to avoid Azriel's gaze, but it wasn't easy seeing as he was looking at her throughout the entire dinner.

Aside from that, everything had been perfect. And so had been the food.

And after food, came presents.

They had all gathered in the living room of the River House, starting to hand each other gifts one by one.

Valery had given her first gift to Feyre, seeing as it was her birthday. She had gotten the High Lady certain paints she had been wanting to try which were almost impossible to get. Valery had contacts in all Courts. And with her shadows it hadn't been hard to find someone who still sold them.

Feyre had thanked her so many times she lost count.

After that, Feyre immediately gave her a gift. It was the first gift Valery had received in some time.

The High Lady had gifted her new drawing stuff. Valery had hugged her tightly, appreciating the gift so much. Maybe this was her sign to start drawing again.

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