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Valery plunged her dagger into the chest of the Fae male in front of her for the tenth time.

He looked very young for a Fae, probably just over the age of 20. But he was a betrayer to the Night Court, if she had to believe Amarantha's words. So she didn't care about his age.

She had found out ages ago that it was better to listen the words the bitch told her. Lies or not.

With a scream, she plunged the dagger into the males chest one last time. He had been dead for a few minutes now, but this was the only way she could get rid of her anger. She liked to imagine the body beneath her was Amarantha's.

The audience clapped and cheered as Valery stood, her entire body covered in blood.

Not her own this time. She had been lucky enough to avoid getting injured during this fight, but it wouldn't be long before she would be covered in her own blood again. She had already seen Arwyn watching her, a smug grin on his face.

The Fae around her didn't stop clapping and cheering. They enjoyed watching her kill, while others wished for her downfall.

A few seconds later she was hauled back by a few guards. They immediately put her hands in iron Faebane cuffs again. Valery worked along, it was what worked best.

She would be suffering enough for the next few days.

With one last glance around the pit she disappeared back into the hallway to her cell. She refused to look around the pit in search for familiar faces, not being able to look Rhys in the eyes. Or Helion. Or any other Fae who had helped her over the years.

Even when Amarantha allowed her to be near Rhys, Valery refused. She didn't want him seeing her like this. It was better distance herself and close herself off from anyone she cared about.

The guards tossed her back into her cell with much force. The door closed directly when her knees hit the ground. They did that more often, as if they were scared she was going to hurt them.

Valery winced as she sat down against the wall, finally being able to breathe properly.

The food she had left before the fight was still untouched on a plate on the floor. She barely ate these days.

Her shadows came out of the dark corners of the room, swirling around her. They didn't show themselves much anymore.

It didn't become any easier after 15 years. Or had it already been 20? Valery didn't know.

Just as she expected, footsteps made their way towards her cell. Except this time it was one pair of feet. Normally it would be at least two.

Valery didn't even look at the metal door as it opened. She knew what was coming.

"Don't you have to eat?" a male voice called.

Valery's eyes snapped to the door as she realized that this voice did definitely not belong to Arwyn or his sons.

It was Eris Vanserra who was leaning against the wall next to the door, a slight grin on his voice.

"You're not who I expected." Valery muttered.

Eris clicked his tongue. "Sorry to disappoint. But on the bright side, I am not going to torture you."

Valery's face remained emotionless. "What the hell do you want?" she hissed.

The High Lords son pushed himself off the wall, making his way towards Valery. He crouched in front of her. "I can help you."

Valery glared at him. "At what cost." she said.

Eris let out a low laugh. "You really are smart." he spoke, looking her up and down. "I already like you."

He stood again, moving away from her. "I made a deal with Amarantha. She thinks I am like Arwyn, and she needs to think I am." he said, giving her a pointed look.

"I can keep you away from Arwyn and the pit more often. I can't promise it will be forever, but I can make it less."

Valery didn't take her eyes off him. "And what do you want in return?"

"If we all get to leave this place, I want to be on Rhysand's good side. If he knows I am helping you, I'm sure he will trust me. Or at least hate me less." he said. "I think you are the key to being on the Night Courts right side."

Valery shook her head. "He will never trust someone like you." she spat at him.

Eris chuckled. "Figured you might say that." he said. "Well, I guess I'll go get Arwyn and tell Amarantha I changed my mind."

Valery froze. Eris turned around to walk away.

"Wait." she whispered.

Eris turned around with a grin, as if he had expected it.

"I accept your offer."

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