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"What the hell are you doing here?" she hissed at him while still pressing the dagger against his throat. Her shadows were ready to strike if necessary. Or better, when necessary.

The male had the audacity to grin at her. "Is this how you greet an old friend?" he said cockily.

"We never even came close to friends." Valery snapped back.

Eris let out a low laugh. Valery pressed her dagger harder against his throat, making him stop immediately.

"Remove the dagger and I can give you a reason not to kill me." he said, still holding up his hands.

Valery stared into his eyes for a few seconds. The decision she was about the make could cost her life.

Even after he had betrayed her, she felt like she could trust him. At least in this moment.

Valery slowly removed the dagger. She still held it in her hand tightly, ready to cut his throat if necessary.

"Explain." she only said, taking a few steps back. Eris let out a loud shaky breath, as if he had really feared his life.

Good. Let him feel what that was like.

"I can help you find them." he said.

Valery froze. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Eris rolled his eyes. "Stop acting like you don't know. I know a lot more than you think." he started. "I know that Arwyn's sons are trying to kill you. At least, I assumed it. Your little chat with Keir just confirmed my thoughts."

Valery stared at him. Of course he knew. He knew about everything they did to her, also being the reason she almost lost her life. But he was also the reason Arwyn was dead.

"You betrayed me." she said, sounding weaker than she intended to sound.

Eris let out a loud sigh. "You can think of me as the bad guy. I'm used to it, but I can explain it to you, and I will if you keep your stubborn mouth shut." he said annoyed.

"I really am going to kill you if you keep talking to me like that." Valery's shadows came dangerously close to the Fae in front of them.

Eris seemed to have taken the hint. "I am sorry." he started. "I truly am."

"I am sorry isn't going to fix things." she said, crossing her arms.

He muttered something that sounded like I know. "I did it because I thought I was saving you. The only way that the fucker was going to die was this way."

"It nearly cost me my life!" Valery yelled, pointing to the long scar on her neck.

"Well, it worked out didn't it." he yelled back. He took a deep breath.

"Maybe. But now I am being hunted by his sons." she exclaimed. "I would've been better off dead. Everything would've been better than feeling the way I've been feeling for the past three years."

Eris stilled at her words. He shouldn't be the one to hear her say those things.

"So why don't you hunt them? You and I both know how powerful you are. You could kill them within a second." Eris said. "So why don't you." he narrowed his eyes at her.

Valery swallowed, avoiding his gaze.

He let out a satisfied hum. "I see." he said. "I can help you."

Valery snapped her eyes back to him. "So you can betray me again?"

Eris held a hand through his hair, looking more frustrated with every passing second. "For gods sake I didn't..." he cut himself off. "You know what, I did betray you if that makes you feel better. One day you will realize why I did what I did."

Valery stared at him.

"I can offer you my help. That's the least I can do after everything." his eyes fell on the scar on her neck. "It is your choice whether you take the help. If you do, we can meet at the Night Court border. Your shadows will be able to find me. I will be there in three days time at sunset."

Valery didn't reply to his offer, but she was considering it. Eris looked at her hopefully.

"I have to think about it." she decided to reply. Eris looked satisfied enough by her answer.

Valery felt the presence of another person nearing. No, not of another person. Azriel.

Valery turned around the moment he stepped into view. Her shadows immediately reacted to his.

His worried eyes fell on her first, before hardening again and looking at Eris.

Eris took it as a sign as he moved away from the wall. "Think about it." he said before disappearing down the hallway.

Valery sighed as she turned around to face Azriel again.

"Are you okay?" Azriel asked, worry lining his face.

Valery nodded. She really wanted to leave right now. Azriel had seen her with Eris. She just hoped he wouldn't tell Rhys, or she might have to come up with some sort of lie.

Rhys was also under the impression that Eris had betrayed. Valery also liked to believe he did, but after everything he just said... This whole situation was shit.

"What was that about?" Azriel asked her.

Valery shook her head. "Nothing." she tried walking away, but Azriel blocked her path. She glared up at him.

"It clearly was. Now tell me; what was that about." he asked a bit harsher this time.

Valery held his stare. "Nothing." she said again. "He tried to say sorry for something he did a long time ago." no lies, just half truths. "Can I go now?"

Azriel pressed his lips into a tight line, definitely debating on saying something, but he stepped out of her way.

Valery mumbled a soft thanks before walking past him.

"I can trust you, right?" Azriel suddenly said, making Valery stop walking.

She hesitated. She didn't even know the answer to that herself. "Yes." she answered slowly.

"Then why are you lying to me." he hissed.

Valery narrowed her eyes. "Are you accusing me of lying?" she said. There was no warmth left in her voice.

Azriel sighed. "I am going to ask you one more time; why were you with Eris?" he said. This wasn't the male she had shared a bed with, this was the Spymaster of the Night Court talking to her.

Valery inched closer. "None of your fucking business." she said through gritted teeth.

Azriel clenched his jaw, clearly frustrated.

"You got any other accusations about me?" Valery said slowly. Azriel didn't reply, avoiding her eyes. "Good. Then we're done here." she said and she turned around, walking away from him.

Azriel's cold voice made her stop. "If you even think about betraying Rhys, about betraying the Night Court, I will kill you."

Valery felt hurt flash through her. She didn't turn around as she spoke. "The fact that you think that lowly of me says enough about you."

She left him with those words.

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