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381 years. That was how long it had taken to get revenge. And now she had finally done it.

She had cried in Azriel's arms for hours, both from relief and pain. Her entire body ached from the many wounds on her body, but she would survive. Azriel had told her that she had been out for a week.

Her shadows had been at her side from the moment she woke up. And the best part of all, they weren't restless anymore. They moved around her quietly, only whispering when necessary. She could finally feel comfort from them again.

Valery shifted in the bed, holding Azriel tighter. He hadn't let go of her since she had woken up. She had been able to get some sleep, but her grumbling stomach woke her up.

"You hungry?" Azriel asked, his lips close to her ear. Valery hummed, nodding her head.

"Let me get you some food. I'll be back as soon as possible." he whispered in her ear. He moved his head so he could peck her lips. Valery gladly let him.

She still felt so exhausted, so she didn't protest at him leaving the room. As soon as he disappeared, she missed the warmth of his body. But most of all, she missed his presence.

Valery opened her eyes and stared out the large window a few feet away from her bed. The stars were extra bright this night, the moon lighting her room.

A small smile crept up her face. She had done it. She had gotten revenge for her family. She was free of any threats. She had found her mate.

Valery's eyes found four stars aligned, outshining the rest of them.

She blinked, smiling. "I did it mom and dad. I did it." she said to the stars, tears filling her eyes. The stars seemed to twinkle in response.

The door behind her opened again, revealing Azriel holding a plate filled with food. "I got you all your favorites." he told her.

Valery sat in the bed, her back pressed against the headboard. "Thank you." she told him, smiling at him.

Azriel noticed her tear filled eyes. "Everything okay?" he asked her.

Valery nodded, swallowing the tears back. "I'm just really happy." she said softly.

Azriel smiled at her. "I'm glad." he said, leaning down to kiss her. She almost felt disappointed as he pulled away. "Now eat."

Valery snorted, but she agreed. She chose to eat the blueberry pancakes first, but she stopped before putting them into her mouth.

Azriel noticed her movement. Concern immediately filled the bond. "Is everything okay? Do you want something else to eat?" he immediately questioned.

Valery let out a soft chuckle. "No. It's perfect. I just-" she hesitated. She was sure of it. But was he?

Azriel moved his hand to her cheek. "What?"

She reached out the fork with the pancake on it. Azriel's eyes widened. "Are you sure?"

"Yes." she said with confidence. "I've been sure for a while now. There is no one else I want to spend the rest of my days with. I love you so much, words can't describe it." she told him. "Are you sure?" she just needed that one confirmation.

"Absolutely. There is nothing I want more than you." he told her.

Valery handed Azriel the fork so he could eat the food she offered. He didn't hesitate before taking a bite. She watched him nervously.

Azriel immediately gave the fork back. "Now you eat before I kiss you again." he told her.

Valery chuckled. She listened, starting eating right away. She hadn't realized how hungry she had been.

The bond had snapped to life. She could fully feel him now. His emotions. His desires. Just him.

After finishing all the pancakes she had to stop eating, the feeling of needing him overpowering her hunger.

Azriel felt the same way. She could say that with confidence, since she felt all he felt. He crashed his lips against hers while still being gentle with her scarred body.

She kissed him back. The bond sang in approval. She only wanted him more.

He grazed his teeth over her lower lip, asking for permission to slip his tongue into her mouth. Azriel moved his body to tower on top of her. Valery hooked her fingers to hold on to his neck, occasionally moving them into his hair.

Valery pulled away from him, just needing to get the words out. "I love you so much." she told him again, sending so much love down the bond. And she was going to keep telling him it forever. "To eternity?"

Azriel moved down to peck her lips, hovering closely above her mouth, To eternity."

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