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"Get up." the Attor--as she had learned his name was, hissed.

She had just opened her eyes and she was already being tortured by that horrible thing. Valery didn't get up, not feeling like giving the creature the satisfaction of getting to her. Or maybe it was because she couldn't get up from the pain.

It had been a few days since arriving Under the Mountain. The stay hadn't really been very pleasant so far. She hadn't seen Rhys since he had come to heal her. It made her wonder how he was doing.

The Attor yanked at her chains, pulling her up. Valery hissed in pain, but decided to work along.

They walked down a few hallways before reaching a small chamber. The Attor walked over to her, lurking too close to her face. He then proceeded to release the shackles around her wrists.

Valery held her breath. Why were they releasing her?

She looked at the creature with a blank stare. It only grinned at her before turning around and leaving the room.

Valery looked around in confusion while moving her wrists, sighing at the feeling of relief. As she looked around, she noticed a sword on the floor.

Her eyebrows quirked up, questions flowing her mind. This had to be another sick game. Someway to torment her.

She picked up the sword, inspecting it carefully. As she picked it up, the other door in front of her opened.

Bright lights blocked her vision. She held a hand up to keep the light from blinding her, the other still holding the sword.

She started hearing voices. Many voices. Like she was at a party, but without any music. The moment the door opened entirely, it turned silent.

Valery's eyes finally adjusted to the light. She was standing in some sort of pit.

Hundreds of Fae were watching her from above. And in the center of them all, was Amarantha. She found Rhys close to her side with wide worrying eyes.

She still held the sword tightly, her knuckles turning white from the tight grip.

"Welcome, Valery." Amarantha said with such a cold tone.

Valery watched her with a look that could kill. What the hell was happening?

"I wanted to give you some use." the bitch started. "To keep my people entertained."

Valery's breath hitched. There was a large open space in front of her. On the opposite side of where she was standing she found another steel door.

"Good luck." Amarantha only said, a hint of amusement in her voice.

The steel door in front of her creaked opened. It didn't take long before three large creatures came crawling out.

Valery's eyes widened. She took a stance, sword ready to strike. There was no way she was going to survive this.

The creatures started sniffing her out, circling her. They were just watching her.

Valery kept her eyes on all of them. She definitely wasn't going to attack first.

All the years of hard training were coming in handy now. She finally appreciated the countless days of hard work.

She noticed the slight shift in movement of the creature on her right, and she was right as it leaped right at her.

Its claws poked in her side, leaving a large wound on it. Valery could only scream, the sword falling out of her hand. It wasn't like they were trying to kill her, no they were just playing with her.

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