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Valery laughed as she listened to Rhys telling her the story about how Feyre once threw a shoe to his head.

The three of them had been sitting in the living room of the River House for over an hour now.

Valery had gotten her ass kicked by Rhys several times, ending up with a split lip and a couple of bruises.

She didn't leave Rhys uninjured though, his nose bleeding at the end of their sparring session.

One thing she liked about sparring with Rhys, was that he didn't go easy on her. He actually made it hard for her to win.

They of course knew each others boundaries, but that didn't stop them from fighting like siblings.

Feyre had watched them with widened eyes when they entered the house again, but they soon laughed it off.

Valery felt lucky that Rhys didn't mention Azriel again. She didn't want to lie to him, so it was better if he just didn't say anything.

The feeling of the bond grew to stronger again as she heard the swift sound of the front door opening and closing.

Rhys and Feyre hadn't noticed it, seeing as they were still busy with their conversation.

The pull towards Azriel immediately grew in her chest. He had been out all day. It was now around sunset, so she wondered what he had been up to, even though she could already guess it.

Upstairs, a shadow whispered in her ear.

He needs you, it then whispered.

Valery brushed the shadow off. "I am going to get cleaned up." she told Rhys and Feyre.

They bid their goodbyes as she stood and walked out of the room, her shadows close behind her.

The pull of the bond grew stronger the closer she got. It didn't take long for her to reach Azriel's room.

She knocked on his door once. When he didn't answer she knocked again.

There was movement inside of the room, but not towards the door.

Go inside, a shadow told her. It was almost like he was ordering her to go in.

Valery reached for the doorknob, opening the it. "Az?" she asked softly.

When there was no response, she opened the door entirely.

He was sitting on the edge of the bed, his large wings spread out behind him and his head in his hands.

Valery noticed the blood on him. It was everywhere. Panic and worry flooded through her.

"Azriel are you okay." she asked with worry in her voicr.

He looked up and she could see the tiredness in his eyes. "I'm okay." he answered.

Valery took a few steps closer. "Is it your own blood or.."

He shook his head. "They are dead." he whispered.

"Good." Valery said, even though she had wanted to do it herself.

"I failed you. I learned nothing from them."

Valery walked over to him, kneeling in front of him and cupping his face. "You didn't fail me." she told him.

"It certainly feels like it." he mumbled.

She kissed him once. "Trust me, you didn't." she whispered, her lips lingering inches away from his mouth.

He looked her over. "Why is your lip split." he asked with a bit of worry.

Valery grinned. "I sparred with Rhys, nothing to worry about."

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