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"So you had the chance to get them?" Rhys asked, looking disappointed.

Valery looked at him with guilt in her eyes. "Yes." she only muttered.

Rhys sighed, but walked towards where she stood in his study, putting his hands on her shoulders.

"I know this isn't easy for you." he started. "But we can't let them running around and murder anyone."

Valery knew that. It had been terribly selfish of her to run. She could've ended them right there. It had been a while since she created something with her shadows. It had drained so much energy out of her.

It was either distract them, or fight them. And she was afraid, so she chose to run. The person she had been Under the Mountain--the person she had been before Under the Mountain, they were both gone. An afraid girl stood in their place.

"I understand." she said.

Rhys looked at her. His touch felt warm and comforting. She didn't know why, but she chose to close the distance between them, wrapping her arms around him. He did the same thing, tightly pulling her against his chest.

Valery had to keep herself from crying. This was the first hug she had received in decades. After a few seconds she pulled away from him, trying to keep a straight face.

"I'll go back tomorrow. We now know that they're probably staying in the woods. That's a start." she said. Rhys nodded in approval. "I'll ask Azriel to come with me. If necessary, I can send out my shadows while his keep us hidden."

Valery had told Rhys about what she'd done with her shadows. Rhys knew about her abilities. He had also told her that Azriel wasn't able to grow a full grown creature out of his shadows. That would explain his confusion.

"Just make sure you don't over-use your power." he said, concern lining his eyes.

"I won't." she said with a small smile.

"Thank you for being here." Rhys said out of no where.

She looked at him. "I had nowhere else to go. Might as well visit my best friend." she said with a smile.

Rhys chuckled, but then his face turned more serious. "If this is over, I would like to offer you a permanent position in my Inner Circle. And your job back as a Spy." he said, hope lining his eyes.

He had been trying this exact thing for centuries, but this was the first time she really wanted to accept his offer. So she answered him with the one answer he had been wanting the hear for so long. "I would love to."

Rhys's smile widened. "Great. That's great." he managed to say. She could see how happy he was. "I could get you your own apartment again if you like."

Valery shook her head. "Is it okay to stay in the House for now? I like having people around me."

"You like living with Nesta and Cassian?" he asked with a grin.

Valery chuckled. "Weirdly, yes. They might be noisy, but I can shield the sound with my shadows."

"That's true." he said, his grin widening. "How's working with Azriel going?"

Valery's smile disappeared. "Good, I think." she answered. Rhys didn't buy it. "I might've been a bit mean towards him." she said.

"And here I was thinking it would be the other way around." Rhys said with a grin. "You two are more alike than you think. Get to know him, you won't regret it." he said with a wink.

"You're not trying to set us up are you?" she said, rolling her eyes.

"No, of course not." Rhys told her.

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