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It seemed that Rhys had lost his mind once again.

He had dragged Azriel and Cassian into the woods for the hundred time this week, claiming he had to find something.

The only problem was, he wouldn't tell him or Cassian what it was he was so eager to find.

"Are you ever going to tell us what this is all about?" Cassian asked again.

"Can you just shut up and pay attention?" the High Lord snapped back.

The commander huffed something that sounded like okay and continued walking.

Something made Rhys stop, making Cassian bump into him.

"Can you guys sense that too?" he asked.

"No Rhys. This is like the fifth time you've asked us. Why don't we just-" the High Lord cut Cassian off by shushing him.

Azriel now felt it, his shadows sensing it too. He looked at Rhys, "I think there's a ward around here."

"And a good one that is." he muttered.

Rhys somehow broke through the wards, which seemed easier than they thought to be.

A small house appeared out of no where.

'What the hell." Cassian muttered.

"What is this Rhys?" Azriel asked.

His shadows had started acting crazy. Screaming all kinds of things to him. He couldn't make out a single word.

Rhys didn't say anything and just walked over to the door. Just before he reached it, the door opened.

A beautiful Fae female with brown hair stormed outside.

"What the fuck Rhys!" she yelled, making Cassian and Azriel look at each other with confusion. Had they spent all these hours looking for this?

"You haven't seen me in years and this is the first thing you say to me?" he spat back.

Azriel looked between the two with confusion. The female on the other hand looked shocked. A tiny bit a fear on her face.

Azriel didn't know how, but she looked somewhat familiar. His shadows knew something too, otherwise they wouldn't be acting so weird.

"I didn't want to be found, okay?"

They both stood in silence for a few seconds, staring at each other. The female now had tears glistering in her eyes.

"Why did you leave?" Rhys asked after a few seconds.

She didn't answer him.

"Val please-" she immediately cut him off, "Don't call me that."

Some of the tears had started to fall down her face. She now finally dared to look behind Rhys, meeting Azriel's eyes for just half a second.

Azriel now noticed some shadows flying around her body. His face immediately fell into confusion again.

His shadows finally managed to tell him something clear; Shadowsinger.

Yes, he could see that for himself.

Rhys sighed. "I don't even know why I came here." Rhys told her, rubbing his forehead.

"You can just go, you know?" she said back, her face becoming cold. "No one asked you to be here."

"I just want my bestfriend back." he said with hurt in his voice. Her face softened at his words, but she still held that emotionless look. "I've been looking for you for years. I never understood why you ran away."

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