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Azriel made his way through the many hallways of the dungeons of the Hewn City.

He never took much pleasure in torturing people, but this time it was different. These males had attacked Valery. His mate.

The thought of her getting hurt made him feel sick.

He hoped to get some answers to the many questions that haunted his thoughts. Why would they want to kill her?

It was almost like Valery had forgotten they wanted her dead. She wasn't so eager to find them anymore, at least from what she told him.

He just hoped that she wasn't working behind his back.

But again, she was a well trained spy. She could very well be hiding anything from him.

The cell door on his left opened as he turned towards it, thanks to his shadows.

Rhys had ordered both males to be healed, just enough so they could live. Seeing their conditions, Valery had really gotten them good.

Azriel stepped into the cell. He was met by the horrible smell of blood and dirt.

The males were both strapped to chairs, a few feet between them. They were consious again, meaning Azriel could break them apart bit by bit.

One of the males eyes widened at the sight of Azriel while the other only glared at him.

"Are you here to kill us?" the glaring male asked.

"No. I am here to do worse." Azriel answered lowly.

"If you think we're going to answer your questions, we are definitely not." the other said, looking a bit scared.

A small grin appeared on Azriel's face. He could just get Rhys to read their minds, but this was much more fun. They tried to kill his mate, they deserved everything they got coming for them.

"The only thing I want from you is answers. Why you tried to kill Valery and who send you." he spoke. "Answer truthfully, and I will consider showing you mercy."

One of them laughed. "You're a fool for thinking we would answer any questions." he spat at Azriel's feet.

"We shall see."

Azriel pulled out Truth-teller, keeping his knife ready as he started working on the male by pulling out his nails. After that, he still didn't answer him, so he started cutting into his body.

The other male looked horrified, knowing he was next. And still, Azriel didn't stop. It was only when the male lost consisinous that a voice spoke, "Stop." the left male muttered.

Azriel turned around, "What was that?"

The male was shaking. "Please stop and I'll tell you everything."

Azriel put Truth-teller back in its sheath, walking over to the frightened looking male.

"Promise me you will let me live and I'll answer all your questions." he whined.

Azriel looked him up and down. "I promise." he told him.

The male swallowed. "I was hired by some Fae males." he started. "They never told me their names, they only told me they would pay me generously if I killed the Fae woman they named."

"Where are those three males staying?" Azriel questioned.

The male shook his head. "I don't know. They never stay in the same place, but I met them in the Autumn Court."

Azriel froze as he remembered Eris. He had been talking to Valery, but about what? Was he the one behind this?

"Why do they want her dead?" Azriel decided to ask next.

"Something with them being mad over her killing their father. They told me their issues with her go way back. Centuries back even."

"And, anything else?"

The male was trembling again. "N-no, they really didn't tell me anything else."

Azriel pointed to the male next to him. "Do you think he knows more?"

He shook his head. "We were together when they hired us. They told us the same limited information."

That was the only thing he needed to know before sending his shadows over to the unconsious male, snapping his neck within a second.

The other males eyes widened, his body starting to shake harder. "You promised.."

Azriel pulled Truth-teller from his side and pressed the knife to his throat. "That's what you get for trying to kill my mate." with those words Azriel slit his throat.

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