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"You sure about this Cassian?" Valery asked with a smug smile.

It had been a few days since her chat with Azriel. She hadn't spoken to him since. He had taken a lot of interest in her, which actually kind of started to bother her.

Other than avoiding Azriel, she had spent some time with Rhys, Feyre and Nyx yesterday. It was really nice to see Rhys have his own little family. During the night she trained by herself. She knew that Azriel had been watching her from the shadows for the past few nights, but she wasn't going to acknowledge him. He was stupid for thinking that she hadn't noticed.

Valery now made her way to the rooftop of the House with Cassian. Yesterday during dinner he had made it very clear that he wanted a rematch. Mor and Nesta had teased him so much that he couldn't stand it anymore.

They stepped out onto the roof as Cassian turned to her. "Well there has to be a way to defeat you."

Valery chuckled. "You'll just have to use your brain." she said with a wink.

"Doesn't sound too hard." When he turned around again, he was met by his mate and two of her friends. "Well shit." he said.

"What? You scared now?" Valery said with a smirk on her face.

"Yes, I am. If I lose again I will never hear the end of it. Especially not with the three of them to see."

Valery walked towards the females with Cassian. "Who are they? I haven't seen them around before."

"Those are Nesta's friends, Gwyn and Emerie. They are amazing fighters." he told her.

"Well, then you probably won't mind me talking to them for a while." she said with a wink.

"I thought you wanted to fight me?" he asked, frustration in his voice.

"Yes, but I'm giving you the chance to warm up a bit before I beat your ass." Valery could hear Cassian chuckle as she made her way towards the three females.

Nesta greeted her with a small wave, turning to her friends. "This is Valery." she introduced her.

"I've heard great things about you." the Illyrian female said.

"Only good things I hope." Valery said with a small smile. She actually meant it. It could either be good or bad.

Nesta laughed. "Only the good things, of course."

It wasn't like Valery was friends with the female, but they had mutual respect for each other.

A shadow curled around her ear, Rhysand is coming.

Valery turned around the moment the High Lord walked into view. His face was unreadable as he approached. "Val, do you have a second?" he asked.

She noticed his small glance towards Nesta, but he did smile at Emerie and Gwyn.

Valery nodded and followed him. "Does it take long?"

"Yes. I need you to come with me to the River House." he let his mask fall when they walked away from the three females, concern lining his face.

"Is everything okay?" Valery asked.

"Just come with me. I'll explain everything when we get there."

A thousand thoughts ran through her mind. Had he found out about the males? Did something bad happen? It couldn't be that bad if he asked her to come with him instead of Cassian.

Valery turned around and yelled at Cassian. "I have to go. Rematch soon!"

He chuckled at her and waved her goodbye. She didn't miss the look he exchanged with Rhys. Maybe he did know something.

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