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Valery walked around her house for what could possibly be the last time. She had made her decision the minute she woke up.

Even though she thought she would never be returning to Velaris, she was going to today.

The glamour around her house had started to fail her for some time now. That was also one of the reasons Rhys had been able to seek her out so easily. But it was also the reason that the three males had been able to get so close to her. She knew that they didn't have any good intentions.

Going back to Velaris would be her only option. For now.

She would go to Rhys and make up some stupid lie. Anything to make him believe that she wasn't in any trouble. He would go crazy if he heard that she had been followed for years.

Rhys obviously knew about her entire past in the Court of Nightmares. He also knew about what happened Under the Mountain between her and some male citizens of the Hewn City.

She picked up the bag with her belongings and looked around. Her shadows stayed close to her. It was almost like they were saying goodbye too.

With one last pull on the door it closed.

She then let her shadows take her to the place she once called home.

To Velaris.

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