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Azriel made his way to the River House. He had to report some stuff to Rhys and he didn't have anything else to do, so why not spend his time around his family?

The thought of Valery still lingered in his mind. His shadows never stopped reminding him of her existence. He still couldn't understand why he never found out about her before.

Maybe Rhys was right about her being smart. She had been hiding from the world for years, so hiding from one person wouldn't cost her too much effort.

Azriel walked into the River House and was met by little Nyx. The small boy came running over to him.

Nyx had finally started talking a while back. One of the first words he learned was Azzie. Cassian had been the one to teach him, just to annoy Azriel.

Nyx crashed into Azriel's leg and hugged him. Feyre came walking into the hallway seconds later.

"I'm sorry Azriel, he just ran away. I couldn't stop him." the High Lady said with a small smile.

Azriel shrugged. "It's okay." he said while picking up Nyx. The little boy immediately started trying to catch Azriel's shadows.

Feyre laughed. "Rhys is in his study if you're looking for him." she said.

Azriel inclined his head to her. "Thank you, I will go see him in a minute."

Nyx tightened his arms around Azriel's neck, refusing to let the shadowsinger go. Feyre reached to get the little boy away from Azriel, but he started saying no and shaking his head wildly.

"Come on Nyx, he will be back in just a minute." the High Lady said with a gentle tone. He then finally let go with a big pout on his face.

"Don't be sad Nyx, he will be back." Feyre said. Nyx looked at her with sad eyes.

One of Azriel's shadows went to Nyx, flying around the boys head. Feyre put Nyx down, letting him chase the shadow out of the hallway.

"Thank you, that will keep him busy for some time." Feyre laughed.

"You can thank them." he pointed to his shadows. "They have a mind of their own sometimes." he said with a chuckle. Azriel sometimes thought of his shadows as small pets. They definitely acted like it.

He then made his way to Rhysand's study.

Azriel opened the door without knocking and found the High Lord sitting behind his desk. He held a pencil between his fingers and looked to be deep in his thoughts.

He soon snapped out of it as he noticed Azriel.

"You okay?" Azriel asked.

Rhys shrugged, but nodded. "Any new things on-" He couldn't finish his sentence.

Azriel had felt the shift in the air too. And it seemed like Rhys had noticed the same thing.

One second later, Feyre came walking in with Nyx in her arms. "What's that?" she asked, looking around the room as if he or Rhys had done something.

Rhys stood and made his way outside. "She and her dramatic entrances." he muttered while passing Azriel.

Feyre looked at him with confusion before following her mate outside. Azriel followed after her.

Rhys stood on the stairs of the front porch, his arms crossed as he stared. Azriel now noticed what he was staring at. The smell of power filled his nose.

Shadows appeared in front of Rhys. A second later, a female stepped out of them. The shadows around her disappeared the moment she stepped out of them, only a few going back to her side.

Azriel instantly recognized the female. It was the same one they had found two days before.

Feyre was still standing next to Azriel, her eyes wide.

"You came." Rhys said, his eyes fixed on the female.

The female. No, Valery, Azriel's shadows reminded him. Valery gave the High Lord a small smile.

"How do you-" she cut off Rhys before he could finish his sentence.

"I've been watching you for some time. I know a lot more about your life than you think." she told him. A second later, her eyes focused on Azriel. A shadow flew away from her side, making its way over to Azriel's.

"I think you lost something." she said to him.

Azriel looked at the shadow that now curled around his arm. It definitely belonged to him.

When he looked back, he found her eyes still on him. She looked him up and down and returned her eyes to Rhys.

Azriel couldn't find the words to thank her, so he instead chose to remain silent.

"I had some time to think about everything." she said to Rhys. "And I would like to come back to Velaris."

"Of course. You're always welcome." Rhys said. He looked like he was struggling with his words. As if he was having a hard time believing she was actually here.

Azriel could see Valery hesitate before speaking. "Do you think I could stay with you for the time being? I have nowhere else to go."

"Of course." Rhys said with a small smile. "Your old apartment was ruined during one of the attacks on Velaris." he added.

"I know." she only said.

Azriel immediately wondered what they were talking about. Had she been living this close to him all this time? How the hell had he never met her?

"I would like you to meet my mate, Feyre, and my son, Nyx." Rhys said, turning around to Feyre. Feyre walked past Azriel, making her way to Rhys and Valery.

Valery reached out to shake her hand. The High Lady returned the gesture. "It's really nice to meet you." Valery said.

"The same goes for you. Rhys told me all about you." Feyre said.

Valery's eyes fell Rhys again. "You have?" she said.

Rhys scratched the back of his neck. "Yeah, sorry. I couldn't keep it from my own mate." he said.

Valery rolled her eyes in response. She then looked at Nyx, smiling at him. She softly grabbed the little boys hand and shook it, making him giggle. His eyes went wide as he noticed her shadows.

"Hello there." she said. "He's adorable." she told Rhys and Feyre.

"Sometimes, yeah. He can be a little devil." Rhys said, ruffling his black hair.

Valery smiled again.

Rhys looked over at Azriel before turning back to Valery. "You've met Azriel before, but I would like to introduce you again." Azriel stiffened.

Rhys looked at him and spoke in his mind, just shake her hand, she doesn't bite.

Azriel almost rolled his eyes at the High Lord, but decided it was for the best if he just listened. He walked towards Valery. Her eyes were glued on him, following every move he made.

The female showed no sign of emotion when he came closer. The only sign of her feeling something were her shadows. He immediately recognized the way they acted.

It was almost like she felt nervous. But she didn't show it otherwise. Valery took a step forward and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you Spymaster." she said.

Azriel felt the familiar scarred hands on his. Except hers weren't burn marks, they were thick cut marks.

She had noticed his eyes on her hands, because she immediately pulled away.

"Nice to meet you too." he said.

Valery had pulled her hands behind her back as she turned back to Rhys. He knew the feeling all too well. The feeling of having to hide.

After Rhys was satisfied with the two formally meeting, he invited her inside.

As she walked inside next to the High Lord, Azriel's shadows started to whisper things to him. He could only make out one thing.


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