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Valery hadn't expected the soft bed under her body when she opened her eyes. She could clearly remember falling asleep on the couch.

Azriel. She had fallen asleep on Azriel.

She turned over to find the Shadowsinger soundly asleep next to her. His large wings were spread over the bed, covering her and everything around her.

She was still wearing her normal clothes, so she decided to get out of bed and change into something more comfortable.

Seeing the way the stars and moon were currently situated, it was just past midnight.

Valery yawned as she reached for a nightgown, which she had thrown over a chair this morning. She made her way into the bathroom, pulling off her clothes and putting the nightgown on.

When she walked back to her room, she found Azriel looking at her.

"Why are you awake?" she asked him as she walked over to the bed.

"Could ask you the same thing." he told her, opening his arms for her.

A small smile crept up her face. The mating bond pulled in her chest again, telling her to get closer to him. She gladly accepted his offer and let herself fall into his arms. He held her tightly, kissing her head.

"I could get used to this." she confessed. It  slipped out on accident, but it was definitely true.

"Is that so?" Valery didn't have to look up at him to know he was grinning at her. But she did it anyway, needing to see his beautiful face.

"Yes." she answered him.

Azriel hummed and lowered his head to peck her lips. "I'm glad." he told her.

Valery pulled him back as he moved away from her lips, needing to feel him.

He kissed her back even harder. Valery shifted her body so that she was towering above him, her legs on either side of his waist.

They kept exploring each other's mouths, the bond humming in approval. Azriel slipped his hand under her short nightgown, resting his hand on her bare hip.

Valery breathlessly pulled away after a minute. She needed to sleep. Not have sex and be kept awake all night. There was no room for being tired, needing to have all the focus in the world.

"I know I can be an unreasonable bitch sometimes, but I truly hope this works out. I am really trying." Valery told him.

Azriel cupped her face. "I know. And I know that this will all work out."

Valery yawned. "I am exhausted. So what do you say to continuing this tomorrow?" little did he know that she wouldn't be here when he would wake up tomorrow.

Azriel pecked her lips. "Gladly."

Valery softly put her head down against his chest, wrapping her arms around him. Azriel did the same, holding her closely to his body while pressing soft kisses on top of her head.

She sighed at the feeling. The feeling of being loved. He would hate her for what she was going to do tomorrow.

She cared for him. She really did. And maybe it was selfish, but she didn't care if she died tomorrow. All she cared about was that Arwyn's sons would die. That she would get revenge for her family.

And if she died along with them, so be it.

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