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Azriel turned to Rhys when the door closed.

"There are some things you should know before working with her. Especially in catching the three males." Rhys started.

"Who are they?" Azriel asked. His shadows had been restless all throughout the conversation, reacting to everything Valery said.

"I don't know their names, but I do know their fathers name. His name was Arwyn." Rhys said. Azriel could see some guilt in his eyes.

"Was?" Azriel questioned.

Rhys shifted in his seat. "Valery killed him in the fighting pit. But she had every right to do so." he spoke. "That man and his sons did some terrible things to her."

"Like what?" he didn't know if he really wanted to know. But he felt like it might be important.

"Not my story to tell." Rhys said with sadness in his eyes.

Azriel nodded in understanding. "And his sons?"

"I tried to find them after we came back, but they had disappeared, just like Valery." Rhys said. "They were horrible Under the Mountain, but they respected me. Yet, there was nothing I could do to stop them from hurting her while putting her and myself at risk."

Azriel saw Rhys hurting by telling this. Being Under the Mountain hadn't been great on him. On both of them.

"Do you know where they used to live?"

Rhys nodded. "They came from the Hewn City. Arwyn had never been on good terms with Valery's family."

Another important detail to add to the list. "So if we investigate this we could have a lead in the Court of Nightmares?"

Another nod from Rhys. "But I would rather have you start in Velaris. See if they're still around somewhere and question some people." he said. "In a non intimating way." Rhys added.

"Will she be able to work probably? Seeing as this clearly effected her while only talking about it." Azriel asked.

"I hope so. Just don't say anything that makes her lose her temper and you should be good." Rhys said with half a smile.

Azriel stood. "Anything else I should know?"

Rhys stayed quiet for a moment, thinking. "Valery has a hard past with the Hewn City and the Autumn Court. If anything leads you to those places, be careful."

Azriel made his way out of the River House, passing by the living room. He couldn't help but peak inside. He was walking by anyway.

Feyre and Valery were sitting by the fire place, Nyx in Feyre's lap. He could hear the two females laughing.

They had developed a good friendship in the past week. The two of them seemed to like spending time together.

Azriel hadn't talked to Valery since their conversation in the kitchen. He didn't like the way she closed herself off so quickly. Buy he could understand it. They had to work together for the next few days. Maybe even weeks. Azriel didn't know what to expect.

One thing he knew, was that he had to make sure that she stayed out of the hands of the three males.

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