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Valery returned to her room soon after she had left Cassian speechless. This certainly wasn't the last time this was going to be mentioned. Valery actually felt relieved that she had won so easily. It meant that she hadn't lost her strength.

It felt good to finally fight someone real. In the years of being alone, she had the help of her shadows. Using them to help her train. She would order them to take the form of a person so she could practice. It obviously wasn't the same as fighting another living being.

They were her shadows after all. They wouldn't hurt her. Right?

She had been asking herself that question a lot lately. It wasn't like they weren't obeying her, no, it was more like they were acting... off. She couldn't explain it or what caused it.

A knock snapped her out of her thoughts.

Before she could walk to the door, her shadows whispered in her ear; Rhysand.

She opened the door, finding her High Lord in front of her with a wide grin on his face.

"Heard what you did to Cassian." he said.

Valery rolled her eyes. "Is this all we're going to talk about now?" she asked with a hint of humor.

Rhysand snickered. "Yeah. Nesta certainly isn't going to let it go that easily." he said. "You already won her over. I'm impressed."

"Yes, well. I'm not here to make any enemies." she said. She already had too many. But Rhys didn't have to know that.

Rhys looked her up and down. She already knew the reason why. It was because of the way she looked. Before everything she spent her days in leathers or something similar. Even at home.

During her time Under the Mountain, she was forced to wear the same things. Leading to her hatred for leathers. She now instead chose to wear leggings or pants with simple shirts or sweaters. Preferably long sleeved stuff.

"Don't." she said, putting her hand up. She knew he was going to mention it.

Rhysand threw up his hands in defense. "I'm not saying anything."

"No, but your eyes say enough." she said, her voice hard.

Rhys's lips curled upward slightly at her words. "I'm starving. Let's go." he said, motioning for her to follow.

The shadows that lurked in the corners of the room now gathered on her shoulders and arms.

She walked next to Rhys. A comfortable silence had fallen between the two.

"Your shadows." Rhys started. "They look... wilder."

"Thank you for telling me that. I hadn't noticed." she said, looking straight forward. She sighed as she realized that Rhys wasn't going to say anything. He had known her long enough to know how to get her to talk.

"I didn't have my full strength Under the Mountain because of all the Faebane, remember?" she said, still walking next to the High Lord. Even with all that Fae bane she had been powerful, almost managing to take out Amarantha once.

He hummed in response.

"They came back in full force after I left." she said. "Wilder than before."

Rhys glanced at her. "If you're having trouble controlling them I can always ask Azr-"

"I don't need help, Rhysand." she snapped at him. Her shadows sat on her shoulders, getting ready to strike. "I can control them just fine."

Rhysand smiled softly at her, even after her snapping at him. He knew all too well about her temper. He had to be used to it by now.

They finally made their way to the dining room. She was met by the smell of delicious food and the loud noises of Rhys's family talking.

The talking didn't stop as they walked in and sat down. Valery took a seat next to Rhys and Feyre.

There were three unfamiliar faces in front of her. She kinda knew two of them. But they didn't know her.

"Valery, I would like to introduce you to Morrigan, my cousin." he said. The beautiful female smiled at her. Valery returned the gesture.

"This is Elain. Feyre's sister. And her mate Lucien Vanserra." Rhys said, glancing at Valery for a moment after saying that last name.

She had obviously known Lucien during their time Under the Mountain. They had never really talked, but had seen each other on many occasions.

He probably hated her because of her closeness to another specific Vanserra during her time Under the Mountain. Even though that had changed.

After the introduction, the chatter continued, Valery mostly keeping to herself like always. She put some food on her plate but soon lost her appetite to her thoughts.

"How old are you?" Elain asked out of nowhere.

Valery smiled. "Around 390 years old, give it or take a few years." she said.

Elain's eyes widened. She had to be used to the terribly high ages by now.

"Good to know that you're old, like us." Cassian said with a wink. "One more ancient old grumpy Fae to add to the list."

Rhysand's laugh sounded through the room. Valery couldn't help but chuckle.

"I wouldn't call her that if I were you." Rhys said between his laughs. "She might be old and small, but she can get scary."

"You want a rematch Cassian?" she said with a smile, cocking her head.

The warrior laughed. "Maybe soon. You can fight Nesta in the mean time." he said. Nesta glared at Cassian.

"It would be my pleasure." Valery inclined her head at the female.

"I like your shadows." Elain said from the other side of the table. She dreamily stared at them.

Valery again smiled at the woman. "Thank you." she said. No one had ever complimented them.

"They look differently from Azriel's." she then said.

"Yes. I noticed." Valery replied, trying to keep her voice kind. They all had to mention it.

The chatter around the table continued. Leaving Valery to try and eat something. Her shadows were becoming more restless with every second. She looked around the table, meeting the eyes of the Spymaster.

She noticed how his eyes flew over her shadows and exposed hands and neck, then back to her eyes. Valery didn't look away. She held his gaze until someone snapped her out of it.

It was Morrigan who mentioned her name. Valery looked away from Azriel, her focus now on Rhys's cousin.

"I heard about what you did to Cassies ego." she said, wiggling her eyebrows. "And all of that while being out of form."

Valery chuckled.

"Who taught you how to fight like that?" Azriel's voice sounded through the room. Valery looked at the Shadowsinger with surprise.

She crossed her arms. "I was taught by my father from a very young age. Some of it was taught by Rhys and some by myself." she said. Azriel only hummed at her response. Not bothering to put his attention on her again.

"You must've had a lot of practice if you became so good. It's impressive." Morrigan said.

Valery stiffened. She knew that the female hadn't meant it like that, but it hit something inside of her. She found Rhys's eyes for a split second before she immediately tore them away. "I've had some practice." she said with a low voice.

The room had turned silent at her reply. They all knew what that meant. Rhys had probably told them already. Not the details, but enough to know what was going on.

Valery suddenly stood from her chair. "Excuse me." she said as she walked out of the room. Leaving all of them with questioned looks.

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