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Valery was humming happily as she sharpened her daggers in the gardens of the Town House.

Feyre and Mor were sitting inches away from her, chattering with a bottle of wine in between them. She happily listened to them. Feyre had a whole lot of stories about Nyx, seeing as he had just turned ten and was seeking adventure and trouble.

Valery's shadows were nowhere in sight, seeing as they didn't really like the heat of the summer sun.

Azriel had been gone to the Day Court for days now. Rhys had given them separate missions for the first time in years.

After Valery was saved from being tortured, she had needed some time to settle again. And since she and Azriel had just accepted the bond, they didn't come close to going back to work for at least two months.

Rhys had gifted them the Town House as their own as a mating gift. But they both believed he had gifted it to them so he could get rid of them after almost catching them fuck on his kitchen table. Multiple times.

After those two amazing but tiring months, Valery decided to go back to spying again. Rhys had immediately agreed, being careful at first. There weren't many dangers around, but as an overprotective brother he kept an eye out for her.

They almost always got send on the same missions. Until last week, when Rhys had told her Azriel would be send away on his own. Valery had been furious at first, but she had decided to accept it. They needed to learn to be apart from each other after all.

Valery was almost finished with sharpening her last dagger when she was snapped out of her thoughts. The bond grew stronger, meaning Azriel was near. And she was right as his shadows appeared behind her.

He stepped out of them, his eyes immediately finding hers. He gave a her a loving smile before moving over to her.

Valery quickly stood from the chair she was seated on. Her dagger fell to the ground, causing Mor and Feyre to turn their heads in their direction.

Valery almost jumped into his arms, crashing her lips against his within a second. He didn't hesitate to kiss her back.

Azriel only deepened the kiss, almost pulling a moan out of her. They were soon snapped out of it as someone cleared their throat behind them.

Valery glared behind her, finding Mor with raised eyebrows and Feyre trying to hide her chuckle. Valery flipped them off before turning back to Azriel. "I missed you." she whispering against his lips.

"Me too." he told her breathlessly. "But I have a surprise for you."

Valery pulled her head away from his, giving him a confused look. "I'm listening."

"Come inside with me." he said. He took her hand and led her inside. She just hoped this surprise involved getting naked within the next few minutes.

Azriel took her to their cozy living room. There was a big box in the middle of it.

Valery quirked up an eyebrow. "Now what is this?"

Azriel chuckled. "This is the reason I've been gone for days."

Valery snapped her head to his. "You weren't gone on a mission?" she questioned harshly.

"And here I was thinking you would find out before I would get back." Azriel sighed. "Well, surprise."

Valery rolled her eyes. "What could possibly be in that bo-" she was cut off by a small sound. Something that sounded like a... bark?

Valery slowly turned to her mate. "What did you get me?" she asked him unsurely. Her body filled with excitement.

Azriel grinned at her, moving forward and opening the box. Valery gasped as she took in the small creature he held in his arms.

"Azriel." she said with amazement.

He smiled at her, looking proud. The grey wolf pup barked in his arms again, its eyes on Valery and tail wiggling with excitement.

Valery moved over to Azriel, taking the pup out of his arms. "This is the best gift you have ever given me." she said breathlessly.

"I know. But I didn't know you would like it this much." he laughed. "Her name is Tala. She's around ten weeks old."

The pup licked her face. Valery giggled. "She's adorable."

Azriel smiled, leaning closer to her. "She's going to be huge in a few years. Forgot to tell Rhys about that when I told him I was getting you a puppy."

Valery's mouth fell open. "That's even more exiting." she said, turning her face back to the wolf in her arms. Tala's tail kept wiggling as Valery set her on the ground, giving her a chance to explore her new home.

She certainly wasn't a shy pup as she started running around the house, sniffing any place she could.

Valery chuckled before she turned back to Azriel, standing on her tiptoes and kissing him. "Thank you. I love you." she said against his lips, sending appreciated down the bond.

"I love you more." he told her before kissing her again.

This was her home. Not the Night Court. Not Velaris. No, Azriel. She was a dreamer born in a court full of nightmares, but she had found her light again.


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