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The tension between Azriel and Valery was thick enough for their entire family to feel.

She hadn't looked at Azriel since their small fight. And during dinner it wasn't much better. They had both avoided each other all day. At least she assumed Azriel had avoided her.

Everyone around the table had been eyeing them since they entered the room. Both their shadows were present and most important, they were acting restless.

Nesta had slapped Cassian multiple times now for trying to say something to them. Azriel had been glaring daggers at him, telling him don't do it.

After an hour around the dinner table, the happy chattering continued. Only Valery and Azriel weren't participating in them. They laughed occasionally, but nothing else.

The way this male could make her feel grumpy for an entire day was actually incredible. No one had ever made her feel this way. And the worse thing was, she hated this feeling. She wanted nothing more than to make things right with him.

But Azriel wasn't even looking in her direction and she realized he really had every right to be pissed at her.

Rhys finally broke their silence. "Why don't you two just fuck it out." he stated, crossing his arms over his body and grinning at them.

Valery gaped at him, not believing what he had just said in front of their entire family.

Cassian let out a snort, covering it up by coughing. Valery glared at him. "Shut the fuck up Rhys." she said, flipping him off.

Rhys's grin only widened. "You know, I expected you two to communicate better, but--"

"Shut up!" both Azriel and Valery yelled at the same time, causing them to finally look at each other.

Rhys had no right to say such things in front of his family. Surely they knew about her and Azriel. But still. She sighed, looking away again. "Thank you for dinner." she muttered, standing from her seat and leaving the room.

Her shadows were growing more annoying with every passing second, trying to pull her back towards the dining room. Towards Azriel. But she decided to ignore them.

After walking around the River House for a while, she finally settled in one of the sitting rooms. The fire place in the room was lit. She settled on the couch in front of it, staring into the burning flames.

Her eyes were already drooping from tiredness.   The feeling of the bond in her chest made her shift in her seat. He was definitely near.

Valery let her eyes close, hoping he would get the hint and leave her alone. The sound of footsteps getting closer filled her ears. Soon those footsteps stopped right next to her.

"Are you really pretending to be asleep?" he questioned.

"Are you here to tell me what to do again?" she stubbornly kept her eyes closed, refusing to look at him.

There was a small sigh coming from Azriel's mouth, followed by the couch dipping slightly as he sat down.

Valery opened her eyes. The bond sang happily as he got closer. So did her shadows.

"I didn't mean it like that." Azriel started. And deep down she knew it. He was just trying to protect her. But she was more than capable of protecting herself.

"I understand that you want to protect me. But if you want this to work I need you to stop doing that." she told him.

Azriel nodded. "I think I can do that." sounding not entirely sure of his words.

"Good." she told him.

There was an awkward silence between them. And with the way they were sitting away from each other. Valery couldn't bear it. The feeling of the bond was strong. It pulled her towards him. It felt more like forcing.

Valery sighed as she moved on the couch, inching over to Azriel and wrapping her arms around his body. She could feel Azriel stiffen under her touch. "What's that for?"

Valery put her head against his chest, closing her eyes and breathing in his scent. "So that the stupid pulling feeling stops." she said. "And maybe because I like being so close to you." she added in a mumble.

Azriel chuckled softly. He put one arm around her and one of his hands in her hair, playing with her long brown locks.

If she could describe the perfect moment, it would be this. Him holding her in his arms. His fingers going through her hair. Just simply perfect.

Valery yawned and snuggled even closer against his chest. It wasn't much later when sleep washed over her, and she had never felt safer.

Azriel stared at the female who was currently lying on top of him. He smiled at the sight. She looked peaceful like this, having fallen asleep minutes ago. Her soft breaths confirmed it.

He continued to play with her hair, having to keep touching her somewhere. He could probably fall asleep like this too, but he currently was too focused on his mate.

Azriel really hoped that she wasn't planning on doing anything stupid. He knew that there would be no way to stop her if she did. He would just have to accept it.

The love he felt for her made it hard for him to let her go that easily. And the mating bond certainly didn't make it any easier.

"You really love her, don't you?" a voice spoke from the doorway.

Azriel looked up from Valery, his eyes finding Rhys's. The High Lord was leaning against the wall next to the doorway, a soft smile on his face.

"Yes." Azriel answered softly, making sure not to wake up Valery.

"Good." Rhys said. "She deserves someone like you."

Azriel appreciated his brother's compliment, but he wasn't so sure about that.

"I know she can be a bit much sometimes, but she needs someone like you in her life. I don't want her to lose herself." concern lined the High Lord's voice.

"I'll do anything to make sure she doesn't."

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