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Valery groaned as the guards hauled her up to her feet to get ready for the fighting pit. She didn't even care anymore. Maybe her ego had become too big, but she knew she would win. Even though the fear never really left her body.

It had been fourty-eight years since being captured by Amarantha. Fourty-eight years of pain. Fourty-eight years of torture. And it had been months since she had last seen Rhys. She needed him. She needed her best friend to keep her from falling apart, even though she already had years ago.

The familiar room with weapons came into view. The guards released her hands from the shackles, throwing her forward into the cell. Valery glared at them. They soon turned around and left.

She sighed, looking around the room. Her breath hitched as she noticed the empty room. There were no weapons. No sword. No daggers. No nothing.

"What the hell?" she whispered to herself. They had given her a dose of Fae bane hours ago, meaning she could probably rely on her shadows later into the fight.

This was going to be the first time fighting in the pit without any weapons. It certainly was odd, but it didn't surprise her. Amarantha liked to toy with her. Valery would most likely end up seriously injured, but she wouldn't be killed.

Val, Rhys's voice sounded through her mind.

She opened her shields to him. Rhys. Is everything okay?

There was silence in her head.

Rhys? She questioned again.

Hold on, I'm trying to get you out of there. There was slight fear in his voice as he spoke.

Valery looked around the room for any signs of traps, but it didn't look any different than usual.

Rhys, what the hell is going on? she questioned again.

His presence left her mind, which didn't make anything any better.

The door towards the pit opened, forcing Valery to step forward into the wide arena. There only was silence as she stepped into view. The many Fae all looked at her. And in the center of them all, on the throne, there she was. Amarantha. She had replaced her normal grin on her face with a disgusted look. This couldn't be good.

Valery found Rhys's eyes. He looked tense and most of all, afraid. She could sense that the fear wasn't for himself, but rather for her.

"You've disappointed me." the queen spoke, her voice booming through the entire room.

Valery cocked her head, giving her a questioned look. "Isn't that something I always do?" she dared to question.

Normally, Amarantha would've grinned at her comment. Maybe even laughed. But it was pure anger on her face. "Fight. Maybe for the last time. But at least it will be enjoyable." Valery's attention was immediately snapped to the metal door in front of her as Amarantha finished speaking.

It creaked open. A tall male stepped out of it. Valery didn't think too much about it until she finally took in his face.

Her feet immediately took her back to the door behind her, pressing her back up against it.

Fae gasped all around her. They started whispering and talking, pointing while doing so.

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