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"Wake up."

Someone shook her body. Valery jolted awake, looking around her. Blue eyes stared into hers. Her mother's blue eyes. They looked panicked. "Come on, you have to get up."

"What's going on?" she asked her mother.

The woman only shook her head in response. "Hurry. Take this." she handed her a bag. Valery quickly peeked inside it. It contained some of her clothes.

Valery jumped out of her bed as her mother handed her another pair of clothes. "Put this on and let's go."

She decided to listen, since her mom always knew best. Once she was dressed she followed her mother to the living room, where she found her father and two older brothers waiting. They all carried the same bags her mother had handed her a few minutes earlier.

"What's going on?" Valery questioned.

Her father moved forward, placing a kiss on top of her head. "We have to leave immediately. I can't explain why. Not yet. But you have to trust us." her father explained.

Valery nodded. She didn't know any better than to listen to her parents. Her oldest brother, Dillion, put a hand on her back. He gave her a reassuring smile while leading her out of their home.

Once they left their home, they could winnow away. Her parents had explained a few months ago that their home was warded on the inside. No one could get in or out.

Valery grabbed ahold of her older brother's hand, letting him winnow them away.

They soon appeared between trees. Valery breathed in the fresh air around her. She had been outside before, but not much.

The twinkling stars and bright moon immediately caught her eye. A wide smile appeared on her face. But it soon disappeared as she noticed her mother and father arguing.

She found Dillion and Wells sharing a knowing look. Valery decided to act like she hadn't seen it.

She tried walking away from them, but her brother pulled her back. "You should stay close to us." he said with a calm voice. They were obviously trying to keep her from freaking out. She had no idea what was going on.

She kind of knew about her parent's bad relationships with other members of the Court of Nightmares. Mainly with the big leader, Keir and a male named Arwyn. But again, she had no idea what this was about.

It was only now that she noticed how her brothers were armed to the teeth. Her father was as well. Even her mother was carrying a sword.

Slight fear flashed through Valery's body as she inched closer to Dillion. Her brother must have noticed it since he put a hand on her shoulder, giving it a soft squeeze.

"It's going to be okay." he told her with a reassuring smile. Valery nodded. She told herself the same thing over and over again. Everything will be okay.

They had winnowed multiple times now. Only short distances. Valery felt more at ease the farther away they got from their home. Or old home.

After walking for a few minutes, her father put up his hand, motioning for them to stop walking. Valery came to a quick halt in between her brothers. They both had their hands on their weapons.

"What's-" her oldest brother cut her off by putting his hand over her mouth, shaking his head. Valery stared at him with wide eyes. But she nodded.

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