105; i love you too, Tiffany. Buy as my sister

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Everything looked so hazy, worse still, my head banged like Thor's hammer dropped on it. If it had been that, I'd be dead by now. I woke up in a daze, feeling ten times weaker than I would have.

"Oh heavens." I muttered and managed to turn my head.

And there he was, staring at me with concern. He could have been checking up on me every now and then but what happened to me? I couldn't even remember what happened to me. Confusion clouded my mind as I tried to piece together what had happened.

I closed my eyes and opened it again. I was literally blinded by the light in the room. Looking at Luciano closely , I said , "Ugh, what happened? I feel like I died."

Luciano smiled and calmly said , "be calm, Tiff. You are in the campus hospital."

Realization of that could have made me sit up but my head was banging really hard I could die if I try to stress it. "Why am I in the campus hospital?"

"Calm down little sis, calm down. You passed out earlier, that's why you're here."

The words hit me like an engulfing ocean wave. "Passed out?" I said aloud. "What? Are you serious?"

"Yes, and as a result of this whole drama, including the drama of your video going all around the school, father heard of it and men, he's really mad at us, especially you."

As he said that, my heartbeat slipped more than thrice and a cardiac arrest was not top far from me now. I was so sure he will kill me, especially if he watched the video to the end. At that moment, I feel so much hatred for Gladys, and I wanted to kill her, skin her alive and feed her skin to the vultures.

"W...What did h...he say?" I was stammering without realising I was and instead of a cold reply, I received a laugh so contagious I started to laugh too, but in a sad way. "What's up?"

"Sorry about that , just kidding! Dad hasn't said anything. You're fine, sis. Don't worry."

My eyebrows cooled. "Luciano, seriously? He didn't call?" He affirmed to that. "Why lie then! I could have died of fear and heart attack! Don't do that again. I was so scared to death!"

"I'm sorry, Tiff. Just trying to lighten up the air.  I won't do it again."

I hissed. "Can we go home now? This place smells terrible."

He shook his head. "Not yet. The campus security wants to question you about what happened, a kind of thorough investigation and questioning and I guess you are up to walk"

"Ugh, fine. Let's get it over with."

I've never been to the campus security office before, it was a no go area and no fun area for me and my friends. The delinquent kids were regular visitors there. The man on duty was talking to Luciano before I was called to sit on a very comfortable chair. Gladys must have heard I had awaken, she was also there, looking concerned.

"Good day, miss. Sorry you have to come here as soon as possible but we need to handle this swiftly."

I nodded and he gave me a notepad to fill in my details. He asked me who I was. "I'm Tiffany and this here, is my friend." I started then continued ." I haven't been well lately, and perhaps people who saw it wanted to hurt me."

I raised the security man's curiosity and he asked. "What?"

I was so ashamed to say it but I had to. "My video has been viral since, my naked video and someone leaked my videos before I  sent them to Gladys, my friend." I began to cry. It seemed the most natural thing to do.

"I love my friend and I trust her, that is why I trust her enough to send the videos but, it was sent out before I sent it to her and she had access to my phone details." I looked at Gladys. "I know you did this, you hacked into my phone and sent out the nude videos, you did that!" I cried.

"Hey , you don't accuse me like that!" Gladys defended herself.

"You did this to me! It's you all along and I trusted you so much, Gladys, I trusted you with everything and you betrayed me, even went as far as knocking me out!" I screamed that part with every anger in me.

Gladys turned physical, attacking me and cussing. In that moment, I knew that my best chance at gaining sympathy was to appear pitiful, so I allowed her hit me without fighting back. The security officials held her back and Luciano hugged me.

"Let's go home, Tiff." Luciano said and took me out while the officers took hold of Gladys. I couldn't believe she'd attack me, she was so full of rage that I almost didn't recognize her anymore, that made me cry more.

As Luciano was driving, I was silent. I didn't dare say a word, I knew I'd start crying again. As he drove into the garage , Luciano remarked, "Well played , Tiff. It will get better."

I responded with determination, "I will so hurt that girl, I will so destroy Gladys for sleeping with her my man, she did this once, she wouldn't try it again."

Luciano was puzzled, " who's this man?"

I thought of what to say. "It doesn't matter, Luciano. The fact is that I'm dating Massimo and Gladys slept with him.to which Tiffany replied that it didn't matter." I paused and went on, " To make matters worse, Massimo shared my nude pictures and videos! I will so hurt him" I spat that out angrily.

Luciano's face suddenly was displayed with boredom and he voiced it. " This is getting boring, Tiff, by the way, I ordered some chicken, clueless chicken."

"Hey, don't call me names!" I said jokingly.

"Or what?"

"I'll call you names too." I returned. "Did you call mom?"

"Well, technically, she's our shared mother, Tiff, not just yours."

I rolled my eyes, "our shared mother. Anyway, why do you seem so close to a woman you wanted to kill not too long ago?"

"I didn't mean to be an ass, Tiff. Honestly, I've been miserable." He looked mean for a moment that I believed him until he burst into laughter.

"Just kidding, Tiff,  I made it all up."

"You bloody con artist! But you know what? I love you anyway, because you've always been there for me, you're the nicest brother ever!"

"And I love you too, Tiff. But as my sister, you know?"

It felt odd hearing him say that, so I got up, "I'm famished. Let's get ready to eat that chicken."

He laughed and also got up.

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