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It's hard to believe it's been eight years since all of the drama with Martyrdom and the rogues. No clan has seen Ash's gang since Dream kicked them out, and there's been peace among the clans. Apart from the occasional border skirmish, but what's life without arguing over prey every now an then?

It's also extremely hard to believe that Hana's children are already apprentices, and that I'm about to have a daughter in just a couple of moons. No one needed to double check with Nightmare claimed he was the father. It was obvious from the beginning. He's extremely nervous, and he's been trying his very best to be the best father possible. He's taken over as deputy until I can get back to my warrior duties, which will be at least a few years.

It's very amusing, watching him run around camp, organizing patrols as if he's never been deputy before. Though I suppose he's nervous, since the last time he was a deputy, he killed his leader and caused all of this mess.

He's also annoying, but in an adorable, loving way. He glues himself to my side, makes sure I'm comfortable when I sit or lie down, asks me if I'm alright every five seconds, and so on. I know he's just being protective, but it does get a little annoying. I know he's just worried, though.

We're on our way to the Gathering. The full moon is high in the sky, illuminating the forest so we can see where we're going. I don't really get out of the camp much anymore, since I'm so close to giving birth, so I take any opportunity to get some fresh air. Being stuck in a room full of herbs gets a little old after a while.

Nightmare grabs my arm tenderly, snapping me from my thoughts as he helps me down into the clearing. I see some of the other clans giving us small waves, and Swad hurries over to greet us.

"I'm alright, Swad, get your feathers out of my face." I grumble as he attempts to wrap a wing around me protectively. I bat his wing away and give him a frown.

"Someone's grumpy." He observes.

"Shoo." I wave him away, but he doesn't budge. "Go fly south or something."

"He's just helping." Nightmare whispers to me.

"I don't need help." I mutter, but I start to appreciate it as a cramp comes and goes. I grip Nightmare's arm, and he gazes at me worriedly as I take a deep breath. "I'm fine, Nightmare." I interrupt him before he can ask if I'm alright. "It's just cramps. I'm not giving birth yet."

"Y/N!" Noir- the small apprentice from Martyrdom- comes running over. He's taken a liking to me, though I don't know why. "Hi!"

"Hi." I smile down at the small, cheerful apprentice as his father, Outer, comes over.

"Noir, are you bugging her?" Outer asks, giving the child a stern frown.

"Nope!" Noir beams at his father. "I'm just saying hi!" He turns back to me. "Wow, Y/N, you're huge! Does N-"

"NOIR." Outer interrupts him, picking him up. "Don't be rude."

I chuckle. "It's alright, Outer. He's young."

Outer sighs. "He's a handful, that's what he is. He was so quiet as a toddler, and now he's all over the camp, begging Arrogance to take him out on patrol." He sets Noir down. "Go play with Fever Dream or something."

"Ok!" Noir rushes over to some other apprentices as we wait for Nihilism to get here.

"So, how are you?" Outer asks me.

"I'm good." I say, waving to Swad as he heads back to his clan.

"And you, Nightmare?" Outer looks at Nightmare. "I hope you're not too stressed about the whole 'father' thing. You saw how that turned out with Killer." He chuckles.

The Rogue Rebellion [Nightmare!Sans x Reader] [[SEQUEL TO FORBIDDEN]]Where stories live. Discover now