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Malevolence comes crashing through the front door, breathing heavily. Warden follows, and I see Farmer and Dance with them as well.

"What is it?" Dream snaps his head up. "..Where's Nightmare? Why are Farmer and Dance with you?"

"The rogues have taken over Farmer's ranch." Malevolence says quickly, trying to catch his breath. "They took him hostage, and I guess Dance must have-" He coughs. "Must have wandered over there, and they took him too."

"Where is Nightmare?" I try not to let my worry show.

"He-" Malevolence takes a deep breath. "They cornered us on top of the roof. He told us to go on ahead." He notices my expression and hugs me gently. "I'm sure he's on his way back now, Y/N. We haven't been flying for long. He'll be back before dawn."

"They're at Farmer's ranch?" Dream asks. Lav hurries out of the room, Ccino trailing behind him. The two Healers rush Farmer and Dance into their room.

"Yeah." Malevolence nods. "There's... There's a lot of them." He hesitates. "...Dream, um.. Can I speak with you? In... In private..."

"Of course." He takes Malevolence upstairs, and I start pacing.

"Y/N." Hana puts a hand on my shoulder, but I shake her off. "Please. Calm down. He'll be alright. Worrying isn't good for the baby, and it's not going to change anything."

"I can't calm down, Hana!" I clench my fists and try to breathe. I lean on the couch as pain washes over me. Cramps are the last thing I need right now.

Benevolence comes over and wraps his arms around me. "He'll be fine." He murmurs soothingly. "You need to lie down."

"What if they hurt him?" My voice comes out hoarse.

"He's strong. He'll be alright." He sits me down on the couch, and I curl up beside him, sniffling. I grit my teeth as more pain floods me, and I squeeze his hand. "Just breathe. It'll pass."

He'll be back before dawn. I tell myself as I start calming down. He's probably on his way back right now.


Dream POV


"...Sigh's alive...?" I whisper.

"No." Malevolence buries his head in the palms of his hands. "I think it's an alternate version of her, like with you, Swad, and Shattered."

"A-And she's working with Ash..?"

He nods. "Yeah. She didn't seem too violent, though." He hesitates. "...I think her and Ash have a, um... A- A thing- Going on-" He scratches the back of his neck. "Nightmare looked.... Uncomfortable..."

"..Should I tell Y/N?"

"No. Not yet, anyway."

"Should I send someone to get Nightmare?"

"I can go if he's not back by noon."



Nightmare POV


I try to suppress a disgusted growl as I watch Si curl up beside Ash, but it doesn't work. Phantom- who swapped out for Si so she could rest- raises a bony eyebrow at me.

I don't even care if I'm over Sigh, or if that isn't even the Sigh I knew. That's just disgusting. I think.

"You really don't seem to like Si." Phantom observes.

The Rogue Rebellion [Nightmare!Sans x Reader] [[SEQUEL TO FORBIDDEN]]Where stories live. Discover now