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"Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N!!" Soap comes running through the door to my room, Chilli right behind her. She swings the curtains open and shakes me roughly. "WAKEY WAKEY!!!"

I groan sleepily and bury my head in Nightmare's chest. He rubs the back of my neck gently and looks at Soap. "What is so important that you have to wake up my beautiful, sleeping partner this early in the morning?"

"IT SNOWED REALLY- LIKE A LOT, AND I WANNA HAVE A SNOWBALL FIGHT." Soap says excitedly. Where she got this enthusiasm, I do not know.

"And you couldn't politely wake her up or wait for her to wake up on her own?"


"Go back downstairs and give her some time to wake up. Alright?"

"OK!" Soap hurries back downstairs, and Chilli follows.

"I'm too tired...." I yawn, snuggling against Nightmare and trying to not blind myself from the sunlight.

"I'll get you some coffee, then." Nightmare kisses my head and picks me up. "Come on."

I groan again and bury my head in the crook of his neck. He rubs my back soothingly as I cling to him, and he carries me downstairs. He sets me down on the couch and I curl up, feeling more exhausted than usual. I also feel a little bit too warm, and it takes me forever to get comfortable on the couch. By the time Nightmare comes back with some breakfast and coffee, I'm half asleep again.

"Come on, sit up." Nightmare shakes me gently. I shake my head with a small mumble of protest. "Come on, darling. Sit up and eat."

I sigh and slowly drag myself up, then lean against him as I tiredly eat breakfast. The food and the coffee does little to wake me up, and when I finish, I'm almost asleep again.

"Y/N!" Soap comes running over to me, but Nightmare pushes her away gently with a tendril.

"Let her wake up, Soap." Nightmare puts an arm around me. "Alright?"

I rub my eyes and yawn. "I'm... Sort of awake..."

"THEN LET'S GO!" Soap grabs me and hauls me up. I protest sleepily as she drags me outside, and I collapse face first in the snow. The cold wakes me up, and I yelp. I shoot up and scramble backwards, running into Nightmare, feeling energized all of a sudden.

"What's going on-?" Bird pokes his head out of the front door.

"SNOWBALL FIGHT!" Soap squeals, chucking some snow at Bird. He chirps and flies up into the air, barely missing the snow. A mischievous grin forms on his face, and he swoops down, crashing into Soap. The two young warriors laugh as they roll through the snow. Chilli barks and runs through the snow towards the two, picking up snow in her jaws and dropping it on Bird's head.

Something hits me in the side of the head, and I turn to see Nightmare staring at me with a grin, snow in his hands. It takes me a minute, but then I pick up some snow and throw it back at him. He chuckles. "You're on."

"Uh oh." I squeak, then run as he chases after me. I yelp as he tackles me, dropping snow onto my face. I bat at him and try to get him off, but he overpowers me instantly and smothers my face into the snow.

Suddenly, his weight is lifted as Swad hauls him off of me, laughing. He dumps Nightmare into the snow and picks me up bridal style. Nightmare growls playfully and tackles Swad, which makes him drop me. I roll out of the way as the two warriors go at it. Nightmare's careful with Swad, as Swad is still injured, but Swad seems fine. He smacks Nightmare in the face with his uninjured wing and rolls out from under my partner, chuckling. He jumps backward, his uninjured wing beating at the air to give him just a little bit of height so he can get farther away from Nightmare. Nightmare narrows his eye socket and picks up some snow with a tendril, then chucks it at Swad. The snow lands in Swad's eye socket, and it melts instantly.

The Rogue Rebellion [Nightmare!Sans x Reader] [[SEQUEL TO FORBIDDEN]]Where stories live. Discover now