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"Hey." Nightmare's soft voice wakes me, and I look up to see him smiling at me, a bowl of soup in his hands. "I don't want to wake Malevolence, but I brought you some soup. I'm about to leave for the dusk patrol, so I just wanted to let you know."

"Thank you." I whisper, my voice a little hoarse. I take the soup from his hands and smile up at him sleepily. "I love you."

"I love you too." He kisses my forehead gently. "I'll see you in the morning, darling." He ruffles my hair, then turns and leaves. I give him a small wave as he leaves the room.

Malevolence shifts quietly beside me and sets his head on my lap as I sit up to eat the soup. I smile at him as he curls back up, his uninjured wing covering himself slightly. He opens his eye socket and looks up at me silently.

"Do you want some?" I whisper.

He nods, and I give him a spoonful of the soup. In the past couple of days, he got sick as well, though Lav doesn't think it was because of me. I still feel guilty, but at least his fever isn't as bad as mine. I've been pretty sick, and he's been taking care of me despite his injuries. We've sticking together as if we're siblings.

Malevolence sits up slightly and will occasionally steal the soup off my spoon, but for the most part, he's just sitting beside me, his wing around me.

"How are you feeling?" He murmurs.

"Still sick." I sniffle, letting out a quiet cough. "My head is a- A little fuzzy."

"Do you... Want me to get Lav-?"

"No, I-I'll be fine."

He nods, again, then coughs. He leans against me, his eye socket closing again, and he falls asleep. I smile and pat his skull gently before going back to my soup.


Nightmare POV


"So, um..." Swad's wings ruffle awkwardly as we walk through the forest. The rest of my patrol had left to go to the Nihilism border, leaving me alone with Swad. I don't know how I feel about this, but it's not great. "Um..."

"Don't try to start a casual conversation." I mutter. "I'm not in the mood."

"What's wrong?"

"What do you think?" I stuff my hands into my pockets, my tendrils stiff. "My partner is sick, and I'm stuck trying to take care of Bell by myself. I don't have the energy for a conversation."

"Well, uh, I just wanted to apologize." He looks at the ground, seeming awkward, which isn't like him. "For all of the... Y'know..."

"It's in the past. Don't dwell on it."

He sighs and puts a hand on his sternum as if it hurts. He winces and takes a deep breath, and I reluctantly put a hand on his shoulder awkwardly. He blinks at me, and we stop walking. I lead him over to a fallen tree to rest, and he sits beside me, breathing heavily.

"Do we need to go back?" I ask quietly.

He takes another deep breath and shakes his head. "No, I-I'll be alright." He leans against me, swallowing thickly as a wave of pain passes over him. "The forest is so... Dense."

"You get used to it." I stare up at the trees.

"Don't you ever... Miss Martyrdom?"

"Not really." I admit. "Dynamic feels like home now. Martyrdom is just enemy territory."

The Rogue Rebellion [Nightmare!Sans x Reader] [[SEQUEL TO FORBIDDEN]]Where stories live. Discover now