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Having Rasp and Shattered in camp while the other warriors plan and get ready reminds me of when Nightmare tried to merge our two clans together, and that makes me miss him even more. Rasp's been oddly kind to me, and I'm not sure why. He's been helping me deal with the stress, he's made sure I'm comfortable, and he's helped calm me down when I break down. The way he tries to take care of me, and the way he's so close to Shattered... It almost makes me wonder if he's preparing to be a father- or a mother- one day.

One thing I'm not happy about, however, is that they're going to wait until after the Gathering to attack, because supposedly, Ash is going to meet the other clans on the full moon so they can bargain for Dream and Nightmare. I want my partner back home now, where he's safe and sound, and if I wasn't pregnant, I'd sneak into the barn myself.

A wave of pain floods me, drawing me from my thoughts. I lean against the couch, breathing heavily as another cramp passes. That's the third major cramp I've had in the past hour.

"Y/N?" Rasp cocks his head at me as Hana helps me sit down. "Uh.. Are you-"

"Just cramps." I grit my teeth.

"I'll get you some water." Rasp rushes into the kitchen, and if I wasn't in so much pain, I might find his kindness adorable. He's never been very kind to me before. He's always had a weird grudge against me for taking his former leader as a partner, and so has Shattered. He comes back with a cup of cold water and places it in my hand as the cramp fades. "Here."

"Thank you." I say, leaning against Hana as I take a sip. "Can I ask you something, Rasp?"


"Why are you being so kind? I thought you hated me."

Rasp blinks, and his cheekbones turn slightly pink with blush. "Um..."

"Shattered!" Thistle calls from the kitchen. "We need you in here."

"Coming." Shattered rushes into the kitchen, and Rasp sighs.

"Thank the Creators for that timing." He mutters.

I smile softly as Hana gets up to get her children dinner. "So I was right, then?" I ask.

"Right about what?" He gives me an awkward look.

"You're helping me so that if you or Shattered ever get pregnant, you'll know what to do."

His face erupts in pink blush. "H-How'd you-"

"It's obvious in just the way you look at him. You love him, don't you?"

"Well I wouldn't say love-" He says quickly. "...But.. Y'know... He's.... Kinda cute..."

I chuckle. "Have you told him?"

He snorts. "Hell no."

"Why not?"

"Have you met Shattered?" He glances over his shoulder to make sure Shattered's still in the kitchen with the others. "I- I mean... He's not the kind of person who would commit to that kind of thing."

"Neither was Nightmare until he met me." I point out. "You should tell him. I think, maybe, he feels the same."

"...Yeah right." He mutters. "He'd never feel the same way about me." He sighs. "Besides, I... I think he might have a thing for Discord..."

"What makes you say that?"

"I dunno..." He looks at the table. "They talk... More than he talks to the other warriors..."

The Rogue Rebellion [Nightmare!Sans x Reader] [[SEQUEL TO FORBIDDEN]]Where stories live. Discover now