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Nightmare POV


"Let me go." Phantom snarls, thrashing around as Benevolence and Thistle drag him into the bushes. They tie him up and remove the glass bottles on his waist, tossing them gently to Sci.

"Not on your life." I growl. "One of you stay here with him."

"I'll stay." Lav says. "If any of you are injured, just come back here."

"Can you contain him if he tries to fight back?"

Lav pries open Phantom's jaws and slips several black seeds into his jaws, then forces him to swallow. In a few moments, Phantom is out cold. "I can now."

"Thank you." I say.

"I KNOW YOU'RE HERE, BASTARDS!" Ash's voice rings out through the dead of night as we creep out of the bushes. "SHOW YOURSELVES, OR YOUR LEADER TURNS TO DUST."

"Now." I say, and we climb up to the roof. We go quickly, and in the time it takes for us to get up there, thankfully we hear no gunshot, but that doesn't mean Dream isn't injured. We jump down onto the beams in the roof, then jump down into the barn. I see Dream instantly, and Ash is hovered over him, the gun to his head.

"Drop your weapons." Ash snarls. "Or I will shoot him."

This is going horribly wrong already. I think as we hesitantly surrender. I see Si, and we meet gazes.

"Good." Ash kicks Dream in the side, and he cries out in pain, doubling over and whimpering. Ash walks over to me and puts the gun to my forehead. "You're a pain in the ass, you know."

In less than two seconds, my tendrils are around Si tightly, slowly strangling her. "It's my job." I growl.

"Let her go." Ash's gaze darts back and forth from Si to me frantically. His breathing starts to quicken as Si slowly loses oxygen. Her eye sockets flutter closed as she claws at the tendril. I think the only reason Ash hasn't shot me is because I can snap her neck before I actually die.

"Let Dream go, then." I pull Si against me, tightening the tendril even more. She lets out a strangled cry as she tries to breathe. Silver tears slip down her face, staining the tendril.

Ash throws his gun to the ground, and Benevolence grabs it quickly. "Let. Her. Go." Desperation creeps into his voice.

Before Si can pass out, I drop her, and she gasps for air. Ash helps her stand, and she leans against him, taking deep, shaky breaths.

"Let Dream go, Ash." Benevolence says, pointing the gun at him. "Or I'll take more than your arm this time."

"Fine. Take him. I don't care." Ash snaps.

Malevolence hurries over to Dream, and just as he's about to help my brother free, I feel something cold wrap around my neck and choke me. Malevolence looks up as Switch walks over, pushing him away from Dream. I claw at the tendril around my neck, trying to get Diamonas off of me. He chuckles deeply and tightens a tendril around my ribs, crushing several of them. I let out a strangled cry of agony, and he lets me go. I collapse, trying to push past the pain, but it's too much.

Ash yanks the gun back from Benevolence, nearly breaking my clanmate's arm in the process. He puts it to my sternum, and I groan in pain. "Get out of here. Go back to your clan. At the next Gathering, I'll be there, and all the clans can bargain for their freedom. Got it?"

When no one moves, Ash slams a foot down on my ribs, and I snarl in agony. "GO!" He snarls.

I give Thistle a nod, and then watch as my clanmates back out of the barn warily. A few growl, but then they turn and run. I'm not sure what'll happen to Phantom.

The Rogue Rebellion [Nightmare!Sans x Reader] [[SEQUEL TO FORBIDDEN]]Where stories live. Discover now