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"NO!" I cry out, then double over as pain fills me. I let out a groan, the cramp so much worse than before.

"Y/N. Y/N, stop." Lav puts a hand on my shoulder and keeps me pinned to the grass. "Breathe." He rubs my chest, but I can't breathe. I feel like I'm having a panic attack. "Breathe, Y/N."

"H-He's gonna kill him." I whisper hoarsely, my throat closing up. The pain won't go away, which doesn't make it any better.

"He'll be alright." He continues to rub my chest as Dream, Malevolence, and his brother run into the bushes. Swad flies down and pushes everyone out of the way. I feel his wings wrap around me, but it does little to calm me.

"What happened?" Benevolence demands.

"Ash took Nightmare."

"Shhhhh..." Swad brushes his wing against my head gently. "It's alright, darling. Nightmare will be fine."

Lav whispers something to Malevolence, and he flies off. I can't stop sobbing. I grip Swad's hand so tightly I could yank it off. 

"It's alright." Swad whispers as Hope, Despair, Outer, and Killer walk up to us. Thin, white eye lights are flickering in Killer's sockets as he takes deep breaths, and Outer is still rubbing his sternum gently. Hope kneels beside me and tries to grab my hand, but I shove him away.

Malevolence lands again with something in his hands, and he gives them to Swad. Swad opens my jaws and drops a bunch of poppy seeds into my mouth; enough to knock me out for several hours at least. Hope manages to grab my hand and course his magic through me, easing the physical and emotional pain inside of me. Despair puts his hands on my stomach as if to make sure the baby is alright as I fight against unconsciousness, but it manages to claim me, and I fall asleep.


Nightmare POV


Ash drops me on the ground, snarling. "I'm not done with you yet, Nightmare."

"W-What do you.. Want with me?" I groan in pain.

"Did you seriously manage to forget so quickly?" He snaps, digging his heel into my sternum as his gang members walk into the barn. Phantom looks like he's about to pass out from whatever Killer did to him.


"YOU KILLED MY BROTHER!" He kicks me harshly, and I groan.

"I- I never-"

"Have you seriously forgotten what you did to him that day?" He picks me up by the collar of my jacket and forces me to look into his sockets, his eye lights tiny and hard to see. "You threw him into the river mercilessly, and you laughed as he struggled to get up onto land..."

It's been a rainy summer. Sigh has been stuck inside, trying to make sure Y/N doesn't wander out and get a cold. All of the clans are miserable, and even the thick trees do little to shield Dynamic from the rain. The thunderstorms are so severe, one almost turned into a tornado on the moors.

"I hate this." Benevolence grumbles as he trails after his mentor, Silver.

"It isn't that bad, Benevolence." Silver pats his apprentice's skull gently.

"It's rainy and it's wet and it's disgusting."

"It's not that bad." Malevolence wraps a wing around his brother. "Just be glad you aren't on the moor."

"Mmmng..." Suddenly, Benevolence freezes. ".... Someone's here."

"We're close to the Martyrdom border. I'm sure it's just a patrol-" 

The Rogue Rebellion [Nightmare!Sans x Reader] [[SEQUEL TO FORBIDDEN]]Where stories live. Discover now