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I've been a lot clingier ever since Nightmare came back. I'm beginning to think he's getting irritated of me, but now he knows how I feel whenever he's clingy for me. I can't go with him on patrols unfortunately, but every time he comes back, I glue myself to his side.

"Nightmare!" I say happily as he walks through the door, shaking a leaf off his head. It's the middle of fall. I reckon our child will be born late fall or early winter. I wrap my arms around Nightmare and kiss him." I missed you."

"Now who's clingy?" He grumbles as he kisses me back affectionately. "I was only gone for a little over an hour, darling."

"Yeah, but still, I missed you."

He smiles and picks me up. "I have the rest of the day off, so... Want to go for a walk? It's almost sunset, and you know how pretty the mountains look from the river at this time."

I'm surprised he's letting me out of the house, so I nod eagerly. Nightmare quickly tells Thistle to tell Dream where we're going when he gets back from hunting, and we walk out the door.

The forest is so pretty during the fall. The leaves are all reddish orange or yellow, and then sun starts setting about an hour after dinner, which gives Nightmare and I enough time to eat and get to the river that marks the Dynamic-Martyrdom border right before sunset, when the mountains seem to glow from the sun. Before I got pregnant, we used to secretly climb into the Tree of Feelings and look at the mountains from there, but I can't climb trees anymore because of my pregnancy.

"I love you." Nightmare murmurs, lacing his fingers with mine.

"I love you too." I set my head on his shoulder as we walk. He wraps two tendrils around me and pulls me close.

"I'm so lucky to have you." He whispers. "After all I did, I feel like I don't deserve you."

"What you did is in the past." I say, rubbing his back soothingly. "You've made up for it by being a loyal warrior, and a loyal partner. You're going to be a wonderful father." I smile. "I couldn't ask for a better partner, Nightmare."

"It's hard to believe we were ever strangers." He says. "Or nothing more than allies." He chuckles. "Do you think I'll earn a place among the Creators? Or..." He doesn't finish his sentence.

"The Creators would be crazy not to let you be among them." I say, squeezing his hand. "You've been nothing but loyal to Dynamic."

"But the choices I've made before..."

"Have you seen Quetz up there? In your dreams?"

"Once, not too long after everything got back to normal. I don't speak with the Creators often. When I became leader, he wasn't there."

"If he deserves a place, so do you."

He pulls me closer. "I hope so."

We walk in silence the rest of the way. When we reach the river, we sit down in our spot, where we have a perfect view of the mountains beyond Cataclysm. Martyrdom's forest is kind of thick, but right where the river that leads to the lake and the river that flows through Nihilism meet, there's a perfect view, so we sit on the riverbed and cuddle as we gaze at the mountains.

"Do you think there are any other rogues that live there?" Nightmare asks me.

"Maybe." I say, snuggling against him. He wraps his jacket around my shoulders, and I smile. "I... I want to go back there sometime. We haven't been back there... I miss it."

"I wish I could say I don't miss the snow and the cold, but.. It was cozy, in that cave." He rests his cheek against the top of my head.

"Especially when we would lie down beside each other... Next to the fire... And you'd put an arm around me..." I sigh dreamily. "I love you, Nightmare."

The Rogue Rebellion [Nightmare!Sans x Reader] [[SEQUEL TO FORBIDDEN]]Where stories live. Discover now