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Rasp has his arms around me as I rock him back and forth. He's trembling violently and tears are streaming down his face. Bush has Bell in her hands, trying to get the small child to sleep. The front door opens, and Rash whirls around, only to let out a sob when he realizes it's just the people who went to the Gathering.

"Rasp?" Dream rushes over to Rasp and me, and Nightmare follows, but he seems more interested in me than Rasp. "Rasp, what's wrong?"

"They took him." Rasp whispers, his voice shaking.

"Who took who?"

"Ash took Shattered." He lets out another sob and digs his fingers into my shoulder. He pulls away with a snarl, his eye lights smoking. "I'm gonna kill him."

"Rasp, wait." Dream keeps him from getting up, then sits beside him and I. "We'll get him back."

Nightmare looks like he'd rather leave the Martyrdom warrior with Ash, but he says nothing. I set Rasp down and walk over to him, wrapping my arms around him. He leads me upstairs once he knows Bell is sleeping and that Benevolence is watching over her. We sit down on my bed in our room as he shuts the door.

"We shouldn't be wasting our strength to save a stupid warrior from Martyrdom." Nightmare grumbles.

"That 'stupid warrior' saved Bell's life." I stand up and look at him defiantly, which makes his eye socket widen in surprise. "He was willing to lay his life down to protect her. If he had just sat there, Ash might have Bell instead."

"...He came for Bell...?" Nightmare whispers, seeming less angry and more scared.

I nod. "I don't know why."

His tendrils bristle behind him. "That bastard."

"Nightmare." I walk up to him and put a hand on his sternum. "Can you do something for me?"


"Can you try to... Not hate Shattered?"


"Please." I hug him. "He's done nothing wrong. I know he's a little... Hotheaded... But... He hasn't done anything bad." I look up at him and smile. "Besides, I think he's trying to change."

"Why would he want to change?" He narrows his eye socket.

"For Rasp."

"...I have a hard time believing Shattered would change for anyone."

"You'd believe me if you saw the way he held Bell."

"You let him hold her?" Anger flares in his eye light, and I hug him tighter.

"Bush was right there, and I wouldn't have let anything happen to her." I sigh. "Nightmare, he didn't hurt her. He was so gentle..." I look up at him again. "He said you were a good father."

His eye light narrows even more. "I don't want him anywhere near Bell again."


"I don't trust him, Y/N." He pulls away from me. "He's never liked me. Why would he change just for Rasp? I just don't trust him."

"You two are so similar, Nightmare." I say, and he freezes. "You're cold-hearted and violent until you find someone you love, and you might be a little closed off with them, but you just want to be the best person you can be for them. I've seen the way he looks at Rasp, how he takes care of him..."

"We are nothing alike." Nightmare snaps, then leaves the room.


Shattered POV

The Rogue Rebellion [Nightmare!Sans x Reader] [[SEQUEL TO FORBIDDEN]]Where stories live. Discover now