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Nightmare obviously doesn't want to talk to me. He's even gone through the trouble of making sure I don't go on patrol with him. He's making sure I don't go out at all. It's like he's trying to punish me for being honest as if I'm noting more than his apprentice. Benevolence wanted me to join him and his brother on a border patrol, and Nightmare said no. And then later, for the dusk patrol, Benevolence asked again, and Nightmare said no. There was a little bit of arguing between the two, and in the end, nothing was accomplished, and the dusk patrol came back late because of it.

I'm not in a hurry to apologize to Nightmare this time. He can act like an asshole if he wants. I know I'm right this time. The clan is worried for us, and frankly, so am I, but I'm not going to get on my knees and beg for his forgiveness.

"Y/N." Lav sits beside me and sighs. "You need to work things out with Nightmare. It's getting concerning."

"I'm not the one who's trying to make sure we don't talk." I mutter. "If he'd stop being so stubborn, we wouldn't have this problem."

"What about Bell?" He asks. "If you're taking care of her, and he asks to see her, are you two going to argue over her, too?"

"I don't want to argue with him." I say. "He's the one being unreasonable. I was just telling him the truth."

"This isn't a matter of who's right or wrong, Y/N." He pinches the bridge of his nose, then looks up as Nightmare comes back from the noon patrol. "Wait here."

"Lav-" I sigh as he hurries over to Nightmare, then brings him over to me.

"Work it out." Lav shoves Nightmare at me, and he stumbles with a surprised grunt. He collapses and lands on top of me, gazing down at me with his cyan eye light. He growls and stands up, but Lav shoves him back down. He gives Lav a glare and stands up again, but again, Lav pushes him down.

"Stop." Nightmare growls.

"Work. it. Out." Lav crosses his arms. "You two are gonna work it out, and I'm gonna sit here and shove your ass back down until you do."

"Damn, nice job, Lav." Thistle comes up, chuckling. "Didn't take ya as the rough type, but good job."

"There's nothing to work out." Nightmare snaps and stands. Lav shoves him down, and he snarls. "Quit."

Lav just glares down at him. Thistle chuckles again and stands beside his brother, smirking.

Nightmare climbs off of me and sits on the opposite side of the couch. I sigh and rest my head on my arm, gazing up at Lav. "I told you, Lav. He's being stubborn."

"I am not." Nightmare snaps.

"You're right, Y/N." Lav says. "He is being stubborn."

"No I'm not."

"Stubborn little asshole, if ya ask me." Thistle grins.

Nightmare's tendrils stiffen behind him, and he glares at us all. "I am not being stubborn."

"So prove it." Lav says. "Work it out between you two. You two are being ridiculous."

"There's nothing to work out." Nightmare growls. "Y/N insulted me. She's the one being stubborn."

"I never insulted you." I say.

"Yes you did."

"No I didn't. All I told you was to give Shattered a chance. How is that insulting you??"

"You called me jealous." He glares at me. "You said I was scared."

"Because you are." I retort. "I'm not insulting you. I'm being honest. You didn't have to slap me."

The Rogue Rebellion [Nightmare!Sans x Reader] [[SEQUEL TO FORBIDDEN]]Where stories live. Discover now