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Nightmare and I have barely been back for five minutes when Thistle bursts through the front door. "DREAM WAS KIDNAPPED!" He shouts.

"What?" Benevolence snarls, summoning his white and yellow staff. "What do you mean kidnapped?"

"He told the rest of the patrol to go on ahead." Thistle has a scratch on his skull, but that looks to be about it. "I was about to come get him when I saw Ash and his gang take him away!"

"We need to get him." Benevolence says. "I'll take a few warriors and-"

"Benevolence." Nightmare says.


"We can't just go rushing into their camp. We need a strategy."

"Surely we outnumber them?"

"No. We don't, unfortunately. They don't have many more than us, but.." He rubs his arm as if it stings. "They're fearsome rogues, Benevolence."

"All the more reason to get Dream back." He growls.

"We will, but we need a plan first." Nightmare takes a deep breath. "Y/N, why don't you go rest? I'll handle this."


"No buts." He says, ushering me into Lav's room. "Dream will be back before you know it." He lays me down on the bed and kisses me. "Just go to sleep, alright? Worrying won't do anything to help him."

I sigh. "A-Alright."

"Sleep well, darling." He places the blanket around me, then walks away.


Nightmare POV


"We know where they're located, right?" I say as I gather the warriors around the kitchen table. I summon several goopy bones and place them in a circle. "That's the barn." I place one closer to me. "This is us." I make a line of bones at the edge of the table that surrounds the others, like a wall. "That's the forest beyond our borders." I draw my finger from our camp, around the forest, and stop behind the barn. "We sneak up on them. I bet they'll be preparing for a small team of warriors to negotiate his return. If we take all of us, we can ambush them, possibly cutting off a few of them before we actually fight them."

"You said they outnumber us, and we saw what they did to you." Thistle growls. "If they can take down you, what chance do we stand against them?"

"We need to eliminate Phantom." I say. "He's the one with the acid. I don't know exactly what it is, and if it lands on you, all it does is sting. If any of you were to get hit, drop to the ground and roll as if your clothes were on fire. In a barn like that, the dirt on the ground should help whatever that liquid is come off you." I pause for a moment. "Si is with them."

"Sigh's dead." Sci says.

"Sigh is." I say. "There's an alternate version of her that's with them. She doesn't know who any of us are. She's been a rogue all her life."

"How does this help us?" Thistle crosses his arms.

"Ash is close to her. If we can endanger her, or at least make him think she's in danger, hopefully he'll stop fighting."


"I don't know how much he cares for her, but they seemed very close when I was there."

"Who else is dangerous?" Sci asks, adjusting his glasses as he leans against the table, narrowing his sockets and observing the 'map' I drew.

"Diamonas." I say. "I don't know much about him, but he seems... All I learned is that he will torture someone and tear them apart just for the fun of it."

The Rogue Rebellion [Nightmare!Sans x Reader] [[SEQUEL TO FORBIDDEN]]Where stories live. Discover now