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Nightmare POV


"I hate this." I grumble as I wrap my arm around Y/N. She had insisted on going out with the border patrol. The yelling was very overwhelming, so I had to give in.

"I know, but I need the fresh air." She rubs my arm soothingly, and I relax. I notice Warden's antennas twitching in our direction, and Soap keeps making small, high pitched giggling noises. "I'm glad you let me come."

"You wouldn't shut up." I mutter, kissing the top of her head affectionately. "They could probably hear you in Cataclysm."

She giggles and leans against me. "I had to get my point across. I need th-"

She cuts herself off as Warden pauses, her tail stiff and erect. Her antennas are twitching, and her wings are curled close to her. Chill lets out a soft growl as if she can sense whatever is making Warden so anxious, and then I feel someone's emotions nearby, and my tendrils start twitching in anticipation.

"Could be a border patrol." I say, my voice quiet as I pull Y/N close to me.

"We're too far from the border."

"...Could be a hunting patrol..."

"The only hunting patrol went to Nihilism."

"That doesn't mean it's-"

"Shut up." She growls, her dress pulsing. She creeps forward, and I can't even hear her footsteps. It's like she's floating, but she isn't. She flies into the air and lands in a tree, signaling for us to stay put as she leaps from tree to tree, all the way to the rogue territory border.

"...Is it Ash...?" Y/N whispers, shuffling closer to me. I pull her into a protective embrace, growling softly.

Chilli barks, and then Warden comes crashing through the trees as a gunshot rings through the air. Y/N freezes at the sound, and I wrap my tendrils around her tightly.

"I don't know who it is." Warden scrambles up. It doesn't look like she's injured. "I just felt their movements, then things were being thrown at me-"

Chilli barks again, and an unfamiliar rogue steps out of the bushes, pointing a knife at us. She looks similar to Dream, in a way. Her color scheme is black and yellow, and I notice a pitch-black headband on top of her head. She only has one eye light, and it's golden. She has a black crop top with sleeves that expose her shoulders, shorts, thigh-high socks, boots, and a black scarf fading to dark gold. She's extremely tall, too. My height, probably.

"Oh." She drops the knife and snorts. "Just some clan idiots." She may dress like Dream in a way, but she's got Killer's attitude. "SOMNIUM!"

"Be quiet." Someone snaps, stepping out of the bushes. He looks like an abomination; a cross between Shattered and Swad. Covered in negativity, he only has one eye socket, and it's a bright orange color, with a very thin, yellow eye light, like Swad. A halo floats over his head, pulsing slowly in a way that painfully reminds me of Sigh. He has a bright yellow vest over a brown sweater, black sweatpants, and brown boots. A pair of goopy black wings are attached to his back.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"Well you should know who I am, brother." The weird Shattered/Swad idiot gives me an innocent grin.

"I don't know you." I growl.

"Ignore Somni." The first rogue who appeared waves him away. He rolls his eye light and walks off. "I'm Valient." She walks up to me and smirks. "Not often I meet someone as tall as me."

"What do you want?"

She twirls the knife in her fingers with the same skill that Killer has, and if Killer wasn't partners with Outer, I might think she was related to him and Dream. "I mean we were just exploring, but..." She chuckles. "I'm glad I stumbled into you~"

The Rogue Rebellion [Nightmare!Sans x Reader] [[SEQUEL TO FORBIDDEN]]Where stories live. Discover now