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Nightmare POV


It's uncomfortable yet relaxing walking alone with Dream through the forest. I don't know what to say to him, and that makes me tense, but at the same time, having some alone time with my brother is nice. I just wish I could think of something to say. Even eight years after we reconciled, and I've been living in his camp since, I never know how to have a normal conversation with him. And I'm not sure if Dream knows what to say, either, or if he's still stunned by everything that's happened, or if he's waiting for me to speak, just trying to be polite. Knowing Dream, it's possibly all three.

"Shattered and Raspberry are partners now." Dream says quietly, messing with his gloves as he looks at the ground.

I chuckle. "I knew it."

We fall back into silence, and I wish I could say something. I shove my hands into my pockets casually, which isn't something I do often, unless I'm around Y/N and Y/N only. it's a trust thing, I suppose, so doing this is a sign that I trust my brother, though there will always be a small part of my mind that never will.

I hear Dream sniffle, and I look at him, concerned. "Dream? What's bothering you?"

He turns to me and buries his face in my jacket, and I wrap my arms around the small Guardian. I'm almost two feet taller than him, so it makes it easy for me to hug him, though he doesn't usually seek comfort from me, rather he goes to Hana or Lav or sometimes Y/N, and I don't go out of my way to comfort him, either.

"Dream?" I hesitantly place a hand on the back of his skull, then stroke it soothingly. He wipes a tear off his face, not saying a word. "What's wrong, Dream?" It's occurred to me that, with the stress from everything that's happened, as well as my negative aura, that maybe he's just feeling sad.

"I'm so stressed." He whispers, and I hardly hear it. I guide him to a fallen tree and set him down, then sit beside him. He leans against me, sniffling. "Everything was fine, and then Ash- Ash came back..." He grips my hand tightly, and I run a tendril down his spine gently. "And then I was kidnapped, and you were kidnapped, and now Y/N is giving birth, and you almost died... It's all happening so fast." He buries his head in the crook of my neck, wrapping his arms around me so fiercely he almost knocks me over.

"I know." I murmur, not entirely sure how to comfort him, but I'm trying my best. "But all of this will pass. Hopefully the clans can drive Ash away, and Y/N is fine, and I'm fine."

"Are you?" He looks up at me worriedly. "Are you fine? You- I saw you, Nightmare. You looked like you had been crushed under a tree. And they didn't make it better, and then Swad comes through with you and you look fine? Where were you? Why- Why didn't you come home?"

"I may or may not have stabbed Ash." I say awkwardly. "And then teleported to Cataclysm by accident. They found me in a ditch and helped me." I pull him onto my lap and rock him back and forth, knowing Hana sometimes does this when he's scared. "I'm fine, Dream. They helped me. I'm not that fragile."

He sniffles again and rests his head against my sternum. "I know, I just... I'm so worried about you... And Y/N..." He laughs softly. "Why did you ever want to be leader? It's so stressful."

I chuckle. "Yes, it is. I didn't realize how tiring it was." I set my chin on top of his skull. "Do you want to go back to camp?"

He nods. "Y-Yeah. I'm sure you want to check on Y/N, anyway."

"As much as I love her, I don't want her clawing my face off." I say, and he laughs.

"Thistle said the same thing." He leans against me as we start heading back towards camp. "I'm glad you decided to stay in Dynamic, brother... I- I know we're not really.... Biologically related, but... You're still my brother. You always have been, no matter what I've said about you."

The Rogue Rebellion [Nightmare!Sans x Reader] [[SEQUEL TO FORBIDDEN]]Where stories live. Discover now