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Nightmare POV


It's been a moon since Bellator was born, and it's time for the Gathering. Y/N has to stay home with Bell, which I'm fine with, but it'll be weird, having her miss the Gathering. She's never misses one, even when she should've been home resting.

"I trust you'll be alright here." I say as I rub Y/N's back, smiling down at my gorgeous daughter. Bell lets out an adorable little giggle as I rub the back of her head.

"We'll be alright." Y/N says. "Have fun at the Gathering."

"I'll tell them all about Bell." I whisper, kissing her. I lean down and gently presses a soft kiss to Bell's forehead. "I'll see you two soon."

"Have fun." Y/N rubs my hand for a moment, then let go as I head out the door. She holds Bell close to her chest as I shut the door behind me.

"Ready?" Dream asks me as I walk into the living room. I give him a nod, and he leads the way out the door. I take my place by his side as deputy as we walk through the forest.

Shattered and Rasp aren't coming. I don't know why they don't want to go, or why they don't want their clan to know they're here, but I'm happy they'll be there with Bush in case Y/N needs anything.

"I wonder what Martyrdom will say about Shattered and Rasp..." Dream murmurs to me as if reading my thoughts.

"They probably think they're dead." I say bluntly. "I don't know why they insist on staying here. They're not part of our clan. We should send them back to Martyrdom."

"They're scared." Dream whispers. "I overheard them talking the other night. They're scared their clan will kick them out, especially since they've been gone so long."

"And that's our problem?" I grumble.

"Yes, it is, because they're so young. They're struggling, Nightmare. They don't know what to do. They don't feel like they belong." He hesitates. "If they leave Martyrdom for whatever reason, they have a place here, in Dynamic."

I growl softly. "They don't belong in Dynamic, Dream. They're the enemy."

He chuckles. "You were my enemy once, and now look at you. One of my most trusted warriors." He puts a hand on my shoulder. "I'm going to ask Killer what he's going to do if Shattered and Rasp show up again."

"This isn't our problem." I mutter. "If they wanna run off, let them. They caused enough trouble for me already."

"So this is about you and your grudges, then."

"No. They don't belong in Dynamic."

"Neither did you at some point. You were Martyrdom's leader, and now you're a Dynamic warrior."

"My case is different." I hiss. "I was exiled. Y/N loved me. I loved her."

"Shattered is scared Killer will exile Rasp." Dream says.

I roll my eye light. "And why would he do that?"

"Because no one in Martyrdom seems to like him. I'm not entirely sure what's going on with them in their clan, but from what I've heard, they aren't happy in Martyrdom. Rasp seems to think that, if they go back, Killer will exile him and punish Shattered for running off and helping us, and for getting in trouble so much."

"They deserve to be punished if they're misbehaving."

"Surely you don't think they deserve exile for being a little rebellious?"

"Maybe not exile, but they deserve to be punished."

"Yes, maybe a moon of dawn patrols, but not exile." He looks at the ground. "If they need my help, I will help them. I don't care what you have to say about it. In the end, it's my choice. If you want to disagree with me about this, I'd prefer we do it when we're not headed to the Gathering."

The Rogue Rebellion [Nightmare!Sans x Reader] [[SEQUEL TO FORBIDDEN]]Where stories live. Discover now